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HELP - No brakes !!


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New Member
Sep 19, 2005
I will be spending my free time this weekend searching the web for anything like what occured last night.

On my way home from work I get onto the highway after having driven around the city for about 5 minutes. The traffic is stop and go on the highway. About 2 miles the traffic begins to free up so you no longer have to stop, just slow up and I notice my brakes seem really hard. I push down as hard as I can and the car barely slows. Now I am a bit frantic since I am on the highway and can't stop easily. I start shifting gears to keep the car from going to fast.

I finally baby it to an exit that I know has a few brake places and make it to one. I have to stand on the brakes going about 5 miles an hour and I can stop the car. I use the emergency brake which seems to work fine.

The guys come out, of course all excited that they get to see an 87 GN. I explain the problem, they take it in a stall and come back in 5 minutes saying that the Powermaster is gone, $1,100 for a new one, $200 for installation but no one has one. They don't have any idea how long it will be to get one.

Oh goodie.

I give jdpolzin a call, the one I bought the car from and we talk about the issue. He searches on the web for a Powermaster and we discuss the brakes. I pull the cap off the brake fluid containment and it did not seem snug. This could certainly have been due to them checking the brakes, I can not tell. I tighten it, making sure it sealed. Start the car and pump the brakes for about 5 minutes and test. No go.

Have the place call for a flat bed. Not going to chance driving 20 miles home with no brakes, except for the emergency brake.

While waiting for a tow, 2 hours, I start the car and sit pumping the brakes every so often while listening to the radio, which was the reason for starting it. I test the car by going forward for a bit and the brakes don't work. Do that about 4 times still nothing.

After about 45 minutes I try again and poof...the brakes work fine. Since the tow truck did not arrive I head off to home and make it with no issues.

Now that brings me to...WTH. The "guys" at the shop said that when the PM goes it is gone. So I suspect that is not the issue. Don't know if the car had to run for a while to build up brake pressure after the "seal" was broken or if there is something else.

Any ideas would help since my day today consists of 5 hours of soccer games and going out tonight so won't have enough time to poke around to look up the issue.

<added piece> There was no brake light stating an issue. Petal was hard not soft. Not brake fluid apparently leaking, least from what I could see.

Thanks ahead of time for any help.
Hmm, you should have had the brake light come on with the condition you had. Does your brake light come on when you press the e-brake? If not the bulb may be burnt out. But that won't cause your brake failure, it just won't alert you that it is getting ready to fail. The fact that the brakes began working normally tells me that you temporarily lost electrical power to the pump motor. My car will do this on a rare occasion and my problem is the electrical connection at the pump......wiggle it and see if it acts up.
Quick little update on the brakes.

They are still working fine. Took the car out Saturday, around the block a few times and no issue.
Made a few runs with Turbolink connected and still fine...

And tonight, no issues.

I will check the electrical this weekend when I get more time. Don't want to rush it at night.

Hopefully that will be it.
Checked the power cables and connections to the unit. They all looked tight and in good shape. Checked the fuse and it was fine also but...something weird happened when I put it back.

I tried to put the Powermaster fuse back in and was unable to get it lined up correctly. When the fuse touched the connectors I heard the Powermaster motor up. Car of course was turned off. I had to take the fuse and line it up again to set it, but the motor never did what it did that one time.

Just found that to be strange.

Tested the brakes on the road again and they are working fine still.