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Highest octane stuff to use in alky kit?


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R.I.P. Lethal GN
May 26, 2001
I'd only been running the kit for a week or two, then my engine started acting up. When I get it back on the road I was wondering what was best to run in it? It is currently filled to the top with 100% denatured. My question is what is the highest octane liquid you can use that won't hurt the pump? I thought denatured was high octane, but apparently not from another post. I see alot of people run water and rubbing alcohol. There's got to be something rated higher than 101 octane to run in this system, right? what octane is methanol? What about using some of the stuff they use for home-brew octane boosters in the kit?
I would think to start with denatured and then tune ive always tried differnt things and still ended up with 100% denatured

whats your times at what elevation

Since Octane is a chemicals resistance to detonation, and water doesn't burn then water has an almost infinate octane. HTH
Yeah, but since water doesn't burn, or have any BTUs, then wouldn't a chemical like methanol or Xylene be better than straight water? Is denatured the highest octane stuff we can use in these kits?
Alcohol injection doesn't raise the octane that much. The injected alchy mixture only comprises 5 percent of the final mix. A small bump of 1 point in octane might result with 98 octane material infusion....

Alchy injection works by dropping the cylinder temps so high octane isn't needed. By quenching high temps, the fuel will ignite when the spark is fired, not before.
Im contemplateing trying Tolulyne. But first i gotta find out why all of a sudden im getting knock at 20lbs. That used to be my safe side. Hopefully nothing serious. I gotta get the 86 done before i blow up the 87 :rolleyes: ;) :eek: :D
I tried toulene. (Naturally":)) (Actually a 50-50 mix with de-natured) It worked, but no better than de-natured. This was before I realized how alchy injection worked so I stopped using it.

Several bad things happened. I had a pump failure. This was one of the older pumps from SMC, and had the original material used to coat the pump. The material flaked off a bit, and to boot, the rca type terminals were intermittenly loosing electrical contact.

I wouldn't go down that road again. If you do decide to try it anyway, be sure to add some lube, and keep a fire extinguisher handy. ;)
If you go from straight denatured to just water, or water/rubbing alky mix, do you still need the pump lube?