Hilton Head, SC Area


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2003
I just got a possible job offer to move from my present in NE PA to Hilton Head SC area. Just wondering what the Buick population is like around that area. Being that I am a Buick nut this would be one of my deciding factors in the move. Give me some feedback guys and gals I wanna know if I am gonna be in good Buick company down there. Lemme know.
Well I'm not in Hilton Head but I do Live in SC...and to answer your question I dont think there's gonna be a alot as far as Buicks go in that part of the world. I could be wrong but every thing Ive heard a/b Hilton Head is pretty much that its a Tourist's Resort. But there is a Motorsports park down that way some were so it might not be so bad. There are definently worse places to live and work..LOL. I say go for it! Besides, you're never really too far from good Buick company where ever you go and I'd love to have a place to crash down there for free!.....J/K. But seriously, good luck with what ever you deside, I hope it works out for ya.later Bro....jG
Been through Hilton Head and have to agree with jay, pretty much a tourist trap. Kiawah and Charleston are close by and a little more for the common folk. A bit warm in the summer and you are right in the middle of hurricane alley, but I enjoy the area when I go.