Hockey Fans

Interesting back and forth. Sharks seemed tired and unorganized for the power play that could have equalized the game at the end.

Sent from my Spaceship.
Jones made some spectacular saves, could have been a blow out real easy.
I am happy to say I went to that game. Was insane and Sid was an animal. I Drove out Sunday, spent the night, went to the game on Monday and drove back to Chicago after the game in time for work today.

SO sleeeeeepy. But Soooooooo Worth it :)
I'm jealous that hit on Rust was a little cheap hard to say if he was targeting the head he did keep his elbow tucked.
Well what I find interesting about he hit, is just comparing it to other hits in the Capitals series. Not in terms of Impact, technique, or even intentions. On the Orpik hit, he was penalized for Interference. Letang's hit wasn't penalized at all. Marleau was actually Penalized with an 'Illegal check to the head'. I dunno if I have seen that ever called out that way before. Maybe I have I dunno. Now I get that Marleau isnt a dirty player, and has some lady byngs in his trophy cabinet but....... The refs actually called it that way.

Sooooo Shouldn't that be something? The Player Safety Department is supposed to be trying to eliminate 'Illegal checks to the Head'. I almost think it was one of their prime directives. I mean in those previous suspensions they issued, it was based on their interpretations of the sequence, which itemized all of the actions which lead them to the conclusion...... illegal hit to the head. Those resulted in the suspensions. In this particular case, 'Illegal check to the head' isn't the conclusion, it is seemingly the starting point. They don't have to justify the sequence, because he was actually penalized for it.Now it is just supplementary discipline.

Objectively I think they have to do something. I don't think they want to send a message that an honest to goodness illegal check to the head is really only a two minute penalty.

I won't be irate if they don't take action. I mean the hit wasn't predatory in nature. However I think they would get more egg on their faces if they do nothing just because of what the refs called.

Interference resulting in contact to the head = Suspension
Contact .3 seconds past the required benchmark for a hit to be considered late resulting in contact to the head = Suspension
Illegal Check to the head = 2 minute penalty.

That just reads funny to me.
Just came out. No supplementary discipline. Like I said, not upset, I can thin of a half dozen other hits in the playoffs so far I think that deserved it. But it is just funny to me.
If we ever get consistency in calls, I'll probably win the lottery that same day. Lol! Honestly though, that's the most common complaint I hear about the game.
Just came out. No supplementary discipline. Like I said, not upset, I can thin of a half dozen other hits in the playoffs so far I think that deserved it. But it is just funny to me.
Maybe because Letang has been getting away with a lot lately ...;)
Agreed. They have certainly been taking the 'Let em Play' approach. There was a play where Letang knocked a shark down as a pass was coming to him. Any other game that should have been an interference call.
So my Cousins boy went 28th in the first round yesterday to Washington. Both his boys were first round picks Ryan went 4th in 2010. Pretty exciting for his folks.