
I was thinking for that price buy one and put it on the shelf for when mine gets too ratty looking, as long as they're not total junk.
It looks like headliner material glued to the bottom side of the hood. Must be tough to keep clean.

I asked them about the clips AND glue. Her response was it looks like a molded piece after it is glued to the hood and the clips are used for extra support. She sent me pics, don't know if I agree, not even close to a original. She also said its durable and easy to clean and won't absorb any oil.
It looks pretty good but definitely has a different look than stock. If the mice eat more holes in mine I would consider it, rather than pay megabucks for a stock repro.
I'll probably pick one up and stick on the shelf just incase. There might be a day when nothings available.
I was wondering if it could be glued to some 18ga. aluminum sheet and then attached to the hood with the pins or clips for a cleaner look.
That’s probably the only way I’d even consider this one!
I’m just happy that I was able to get my HoodSkinz Hood Liner while they were available
That’s probably the only way I’d even consider this one!
I’m just happy that I was able to get my HoodSkinz Hood Liner while they were available
Me too!

I wonder what happened there. Those were nice pieces.
I have one on mine. Looked good when glued on, but it didn't last long until the glue let go. It has a kinda baggy appearance if you only have the clips holding it up. I think the heat buildup in the engine bay is just too much for the glue.

It sucks cuz the super 6 decal sagged into my up pipe, and smudged it a little.
I think 86 gx1 has the right idea. Definitely have to add it to some kind of substrate. Just have to find the best spray adhesive to use.