I've been playing around with the boost. I've noticed when I run with the open dump, I get 20psi regardless of wether or not I adjust 2-3 full turns on the rod. I tested my baseline by disconnecting the wastegate harness and stepping on the gas. I got 9 psi. I shortened the rod again 2 full turns, and this time I got 12 psi. I of course recieved trouble codes and pluged back the harness. When I stepped on the gas, this time, I really felt torque on the bottom end. I did get 20 psi again.
My q: Is this the proper way to check baseline wastegate?
Is 12psi acceptable or is there room for more psi?
What is the proper psi for base?
My q: Is this the proper way to check baseline wastegate?
Is 12psi acceptable or is there room for more psi?
What is the proper psi for base?