Ok, let me be a little more elaborate. The buick v6 is NOTHING FANCY. People ALWAYS hype it up to be, when....in reality, it is just another v6. You can gain access to the clearances for the rods and mains via the internet, and most of the time you don't even have to do that! From the factory the clearances 9 out of 10 times I would assume, are fine. You plastigage them for assurance. I had my 140,000 mile block hot tanked, and had the crank balanced and cut/ block align honed. I plastigaged it just to make SURE there was nothing weird going on with the clearances, and they all checked to be well within spec. So, I put the bearings in and the motor runs excellent. Hell, before that, I didn't even do that. No align hone, no plastigage, had the crank cut without a balance (all of the original components that came together remember, crank block rods etc.) and put it together. Ran for 50,000 HARD miles before I broke the original crank (combination of detonation/fatigued metal I would assume). Call me crazy, but everything was fine! All you REALLY have to do is ask the machinist to verify those clearances when you find them online. Really don't even have to do that if you're messing with all of your stock equipment. It ran before you pulled it out, right?... l Hope this helps.....