How many miles do y'all put on your buick?


New Member
Aug 29, 2004
I was just wondering how much people acually drive their Grand Nationals. Me personelly I drive the car about 100 a day, and WAY more than that if I drive it to work. I already have 170K on my car, and only had about 150K when I bought it. :D
i put about 10 miles on it last year.. it took 9 months out of the year to build my motor.. Since then maybe 20miles.. The motor is out of it again (it's been 3 months) :mad: ..
Probably under 2,000 a year normally. My Buick hasn't seen any miles this year so far. Though somehow I managed to put 11k on it since I bought it in December of 2003.
I can't believe all the people that have chimed in that don't "drive" their turbo Buick. It is too much fun not to drive it......

I guess I understand if you have a "cream puff" .... but that is probably the exception on these cars.... most have been beat pretty hard.... and have at least 100k miles...... perfect candidate for a "driver".

One of the reasons I like driving the older cars... is that common maintenance items... like brake pads are cheap.... got a set today for my GN.... $12..... can't beat that with a stick!
Blazer406 said:
I can't believe all the people that have chimed in that don't "drive" their turbo Buick. It is too much fun not to drive it......
I'm with you on that sentiment. Too much fun, even when it screws up. :tongue:

I'm at 233,000 miles. That's an average of around 12,250 miles/year. :cool:
Blazer406 said:
I can't believe all the people that have chimed in that don't "drive" their turbo Buick. It is too much fun not to drive it......

I guess I understand if you have a "cream puff" .... but that is probably the exception on these cars.... most have been beat pretty hard.... and have at least 100k miles...... perfect candidate for a "driver".

One of the reasons I like driving the older cars... is that common maintenance items... like brake pads are cheap.... got a set today for my GN.... $12..... can't beat that with a stick!

Word! Hoora for the high mile cars. lol I just got a free french fries at McD's for doin a burnout for a bunch of highschool kids. They just don't know what its like to see one of thoughs cars in person. I know I made there day as much as they made mine. So drive on!
Mines a cream puff so I intend to keep it that way. When I was looking for a GN my intentions were for it to be a daily driver but when I found this one for the price it was way too nice to use as a DD. I wish I had something a little less nice or one that was nicer so I can build one up and it as a DD.

ks :cool:
KEVINS said:
Mines a cream puff so I intend to keep it that way. When I was looking for a GN my intentions were for it to be a daily driver but when I found this one for the price it was way too nice to use as a DD. I wish I had something a little less nice or one that was nicer so I can build one up and it as a DD.

ks :cool:

In your case.... then...... you need two........ :)

If you say..... well... I only want one.... sell the cream puff and get a driver.......for people that want investments...... go buy a 9 mile GNX......costs as much as a house......and all you can do is look at it..... bah humbug..... that isn't my cup of tea.... IMHO..... you got to drive "the fastest production car" to enjoy all it has to offer. A few bolt-ons.... and the new 40K+ C6 would have it's tongue hanging out just trying to keep up from a dig..... :tongue: Insurance is cheaper too......
Well I ran a tank of gas in two days! :eek: But I only drove about 150 miles :eek: :D :D

These cars get good gasmileage, if you drive them like an oldman!!
My wife and I love to drive ours. We have just over 190K miles and still going strong. The rustang college boys are always wanting to run. Been working bugs out of it for almost 8 years now. I drive it to work (about 12 mi round trip) to save gas over the carb'd Jeep and keep the seals wet. I take it easy. Constantly scared some dumb bunny will hit it. It's the only vehicle my wife (or I) haven't wrecked. :wink: :wink: 'knock wood'

I also enjoy working on it and getting compliments quite regularly. We have taken as good of care as we have been able to over it's life. It's almost constant maintanence, but I dont' mind.