I was able to turn the crank by hand pulling on the IC fan, its kind of hard to get a socket on the crank pulley nut without removing the IC......
Now, with that said, you may want to do the timing chain/gear before or at the same time as the springs, you wouldn't want the added pressure of the springs to wipe out what might be left of that original plastic timing chain gear

then you'll have a lot bigger problem.
I bought the spring removal tool from John's PErformance and it came with a peice of emt tubing to drill the holes in and use to put the rocker removal tool on. BTW, emt is electrical conduit.
Does make it real easy, key thing to be certain of:
1) Make certain that the piston is at TDC when removing the valve to make sure it doesn't fall into the cyl once the spring is off, make sure you have enough rope in there, and yes, its done 1 cyl at a time.
2) Make certain that when you depress the valve to remove the spring, that the pressure of the valve doesn't push the piston back down, I put a c-clamp on my flywheel to lock it in place as I did push the piston back down one time.
3) Definity plug all holes in the heads with something like little pieces of a paper towel to prevent the keepers from falling down in one.
Its more work getting the valve covers off than it is changing the springs.