Here I found a Pic. The wheels are obviously different and it doesn't have the chrome panels on it now...
I know this thread is 8 years old, but I searched on "WF6 code", and this was one of few that came up.
I just discovered that my car has the WF6 code, which explains all the chrome, including the wide band of chrome molding running between the wheel wells at the base of the body. FYI, having read the 2 pages of thread, mine has bucket seats and floor shifter.
I've been very curious at to rarity myself. It also has the aluminum bumper beams. But there's no indication it ever had a rear spoiler. I haven't been able to determine whether it had its own RPO code, or was included in another code. Anyone who knows, please enlighten us.
So, the reason I'm quoting you, is in your pic...I can't see a rear spoiler either. Is that right, that your TR doesn't have one?
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