HRpartsNstuff UPDATE & why delayed shipping


May 27, 2001
Just an update for all those waiting on orders/shipments. Our family machine shop has been so burried with work that they bought a new CNC lathe about a month ago to help keep up. Not too long after that, one of our employees caused a major crash on another CNC Lathe, basically ripping the main casting to pieces & causing 20-30k damage & 4 months without the machine. So our only option was to get another new CNC lathe. Bringing the machines in & geting up to speed on the new controls & such really slow things down in the beginning.

Last week, our CNC Vertical Mill took a dump as well, and doing everything on other machines that don't process it as fast. We are currently looking to get a new one since the repair guys can't seem to figure out what's wrong. All this has put a real damper on my ability to keep things rolling along smoothly.

This past Tues we got a LOT of rain in a short period of time, and our basement (where I package & ship from) flooded. Our regular sump pump couldn't keep up, so the battery backup pump kicked on. Well running 100% all night, the charger couldn't keep up, and battery went dead. Woke up to 2" of water all over. Never expected this, so lots of cardboard & junk was on the floor under shelves, tables, etc (never have enough room). Still cleaning up from that, and trying to keep things going. Nothing major damaged, just time consuming & more money down the drain.

Yesterday, on top of all this, our house got broken into! We just both happened to be gone & didn't have anyone here (first time in weeks). There have been many break ins in the neighborhood lately, broad daylight, kick doors down & such. They tried to pry the door latch open with a screwdriver, then tried to kick the door open, and finally busted the glass & just opened the door. They seem to be some low-life %@$#&'s that went thru all the kitchen cabinets for drugs, took some Valium I had (for when my neck really bugs me & need to sleep/relax) (like that night!), left all the other drugs, and took my wifes bigger pocket book from a 2nd purse on the dining room table. She takes a little one with main stuff with her to work. She lost a social security card & other misc stuff & personal check book. Well now, it's fraud alert to all credit bureaus, shut down checking & savings, stop payments, cancel credit cards, etc, etc. Basically they could do identity theft & cash bogus checks & get credit cards etc if they are smart. Doesn't seem so, but never know. Aggrevation, more money wasted, more time wasted, etc :mad: :mad: :mad: I rushed home & wife said cops were on way & NOT to go in. I asked why, she said cause they might still be in there. I (of course) said "that's why I rushed home, so I can catch them!" Of course they were long gone, but it would have been nice to deal with them myself first :cool: After about 25 min, the Sheriff's finally got there. Good thing it wasn't an emergency :rolleyes:

Also, Dave's cell phone that is used for incoming HR Business calls is taking a dmp too. It will be replaced soon as well, but miss some calls & can't do call backs some times. Also, he is short on time & can't always catch the phone for me & people have to try back later.

So, basically I have had just about everything & anything slow me/manufacturing down & delay shipping stuff out. I feel a break coming any day now, but feel it may be my leg or something :) Trying our best to get stuff shipped out & caught up asap, but it's been hard. I went into a little xtra detail on the break in, hoping others might benefit. Keep your valuable info & cards locked up when away! They left all the valuable ITEMS sitting there, but took valuable INFO, possibly just hoping some cash was in it. We have been told that an alarm system that's LOUD will usually scare them away. A GOOD camera servailance will catch them in the act (my preference) & stop them from doing it to others. These people are nothing more than a terrorist IMO. My neighbor got hit a month ago, and she has been scared to be there alone or leave the house empty. I am going the other way, considering the new Ohio gun carry laws that got more leinent ;) The world has no need for people like this at all! Now it's military lock-down each time we leave the house, inconvenient, hassle, & attacking my freedom.
Sorry for the delays & appreciate everyone's patience, hope it all smooths out quick for all of us! If you hear of someone yelling that we still haven't shipped their stuff, please pass on our situation/info here. It is almost impossible to update everyone 1 by 1 & get anything at all done, so hope mass notification will help some. We will DEFINITELY be at the BPG event in Salem OH on Aug 11-14th. Doubt if we will have much, but never know. Please let us know if you hope/plan to pick something up there so we can try to have it ready.
Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations-
I need a beer.... or 2... or 3.... :)
I'm really sorry to hear all that. I hope that they somehow catch the ba$tard and cut off his hands. Oh wait, that's another country. Glad that you guys are holding up ok, however. :)
I am the type that when backed into a corner I come out strong. Kinda like when I broke my neck, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I tried twice as hard to get better. I am just working harder to get ahead now. Not going to let any of this stop me. When life throws some shhit at you, you can either get yourself thru it, or sit down in it & complain. I'm not one for sittin in it :)

I forgot to mention we thought they let out our (indoor only) cat too, since the door was just hanging open. We looked all over for her, figured she was gone. Then about an hour later, she came up from hiding in the basement, scared real bad. This is a cat that is scared of nothing, will come right up to anyone, even the sweeper!

Went to and they have some interesting info on fraud & identity theft ALL should take a look at. Our local newspaper has a section on it too. It's hard to understand what or how it can happen to you (from weird citibank commercials), but once it happens to you, you understand real quick! Someone can buy a car or get credit cards with simple info like your real name & maiden name (for women of course), don't even need a social #!!!!!!!!! If they get your ss# and a birthdate or maiden name, you are done for. They say NEVER carry a birth cirtificate and/or birthday info, and SS card (any 2 of these) together, gives away too much info if taken or lost. Your license and/or registrations and/or insurance card may have important info on it, so even keeping cars locked up is a must. Stealing or looking at your mail in the mailbox can get it too. Put the sign out front for happy birthday (you're 50! or whatever), and they got it too. Don't have to live in a locked up box & do nothing, but have to be aware if people have some of your info & are looking for more. Credit card OFFERS, bank statements, cc receipts, etc, etc. BURN them all, or shread them REALLY good. Most cheap shreaders don't do it good enough. We burn it all, except for what's laying around the house (current). Going to start locking it ALL up now, so it really won't matter if they get in again. Stuff put out of site would have helped in this case. Just think of all the stuff that the insurance WON'T pay for or replace. Deb lost some stuff she carried in her wallet that her Mother (passed away years ago) used to carry with her. Can't replace stuff like that.

All the things people never think or worry about until it's too late unfortunately. I will be looking into camera system to keep this from happening to others, and maybe slow some down after they see someone actually getting caught for once. Some local bozo got caught around here, said he was coming in to use the phone (after breaking window). Do they think cops are really that stupid? I REALLY hope our idiots cash a check, then it's bank fraud, and a few other new charges. Plus probably find on camera at bank/store/etc. One can only hope...
Not feeling too bad now, got new locks with new deadbolts (got to use a key on BOTH sides) so they can't just break & reach in again. Strengthened up door jams too, and other stuff. Got really heavy stuff in front of other doors so they can't kick or push door open. Kinda a pain for now until I get all the doors fixed up. Some lock companies have a serial # that if matched, you can get multiple lock sets that use the exact same key. Nice so you don't have to carry multiple keys. Like they do with padlocks on trailers/etc.

Take a look at YOUR situation, maybe apply a little of this to keep it from happening to you! An ounce of prevention.... :)