I too learned my leason the hard way i parked my gn at a local bar where all my friends hung out and when i came out all was well...As im leaving the parking lot i had to stop to let a group of people walk by,and a girl stops as she walks past and slams both her hands down on my hood

I yell out of the window at her wtf is your problem...Her piece of chit bf starts talkin $hit and i got out of the car as soon as he saw that i wasnt a small dude he gets scared and runs to his car....People are retarded and have no respect...
Hey just another suggestion! I live in Montana where the bears are outta hand! You can buy a can of bear spray for about $45 which although expensive will take down a grizzly bear at a sprint! if anyone needs me to ship them one for security purposes let me know! they sell it in every store here and i have 2 for myself! one in my turbo t and one in my suburban! its like the normal pepper spray just 4 times the size!
Bear spray works !!!!!! I was leaving a club once playin DD drivin my friends tahoe and there were some arabic guys packed in a exploder blockin the only parking lot exit talkin to some girls...
I had to drive with two wheels on a curb to get by them and we gave them the stink eye and shook our heads as we passed by ....well on our way leavin town ,(the club is 40 mins from home) we stop at a light and the guys pull up next to us at a light pointing at us speakin arabic...then they yell out the window you got a problem with us whatcha wanna do throwin thier hands up..
well eric asks me for the bear spray he keeps in his driver door,i hand it to him and he sprays it right in thier window

:biggrin: i took off from the light and those guys were fallin outta the truck onto the ground and we were laughtin our a$$es off all the way home:biggrin:
I always thought of taking some gas tank repair putty and shoving it down the fuel filler covering the hole completely and replacing the cap by the time the a$$ hole figured it out they would be out of gas and the putty would be rock hard and they would be screwed unable to fill up...