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ideas for testing?


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Assistant to the regional manager
Oct 1, 2009
any idea on how i could verify that my alky pump is kicking on under boost other than disconnecting from the up pipe, sticking it out of the hood and taking a blast down the road? it works when i hit the test button, i can hear it and the motor bogs.
He has an SMC kit.

So.. you need to apply air pressure to the nipple on your controller. Probably can do it with a bicycle pump or regulated shop air.

I believe your kit should have a pressure switch on it. That should change colors on an LED. Confirm it changes colors and it is spraying.
Thanks for responding razor. Its only a matter of time and money til I get your system. In the meantime when I hit the test button at idle the test light lights up and I hear the pump and the motor bogs. But that spray light is not coming on when I'm in boost. So I will try these suggestions and get back to everyone. Thanks
Thanks for responding razor. Its only a matter of time and money til I get your system. In the meantime when I hit the test button at idle the test light lights up and I hear the pump and the motor bogs. But that spray light is not coming on when I'm in boost. So I will try these suggestions and get back to everyone. Thanks

Make sure its not leaking. As this will not allow it to buildup pressure correctly. Any system.
Are you seeing any knock?

Yes cork. It all started after having some work done on the car to locate a voltage drain. The translator was rewired and the maf was replaced. Car runs great til you get into the boost. And I don't mean flooring it. At around 12lbs the retard starts. But the thing I noticed first was I wasn't smelling the alky like I normally would after getting on it. And then I noticed the spray light wasn't lighting up. But it does if I hit the test button when idling. So I'm not completely sure if I'm still dealing with a translator/maf issue or an alky injection issue.
Did I read somewhere that it runs fine on a stock MAF ?

Yes per the mechanic doing the work. But he doesn't remember if there was or wasn't any knock. So I have yet to verify this myself.
I think its an issue of electrical interference between the Alky pump and the Translator. I know there are some old posts that reference this issue. Maybe Razor or another board member recalls how this issue can be resolved.
Thanks again cork. I did search that once before on your advice but couldn't find anything. Ill do another search but in the meantime does anyone know of a post pointing out possible interference between a translator and an alky pump?
I think its an issue of electrical interference between the Alky pump and the Translator. I know there are some old posts that reference this issue. Maybe Razor or another board member recalls how this issue can be resolved.

Yup.. need to hot-wire the translator. We make a plug-n-play setup for this purpose. 35.00

Easy test, turn off the alky and see if the problem goes away, if it does.. then I have the fix.
Thanks again everyone. Looks like its gonna rain here before I get off. If it doesn't I was also thinking of maybe putting the turn on time at around 5lbs and seeing if that messes with my AF readings on the scanmaster. Plus keeping any eye on the spray light on the controller which I don't think is lighting up under boost.
Yup.. need to hot-wire the translator. We make a plug-n-play setup for this purpose. 35.00

Easy test, turn off the alky and see if the problem goes away, if it does.. then I have the fix.

razor i missed the plug n play on your website. im assuming it has the fuse and relay with it? if so please get back to me on how i can order one. thanks
razor i missed the plug n play on your website. im assuming it has the fuse and relay with it? if so please get back to me on how i can order one. thanks

All you have to do is pickup the phone and call to order. Its not on my website, I dont sell very many as this issue has dwindled over the years.

PROBLEM SOLVED! thanks to everyone who posted and communications with the previous owner. just installed razors $35 fix and we're humming along at 24lbs again!:biggrin: