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Idustrial (%99 pure) isopropenol (sp?)??


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Senior Member
May 24, 2001
Sorry that this is gonna be a non GN/TR (used to own a "Rose wood" T if it helps:)) question. Well, kinda... I posted the same question on some time ago and never got any real response so Im gonna throw it out to you guys and see what you think.

I am in the process of purchasing a alky kit for my Syclone and am wondering if the Isopropenol (sp?) that is available to me at work will be any diff than the alky that you can buy over the counter?

I can get just about an endless supply for a "good";) price.. My concearn is that the alky we use at work is (according to the label) %99 isopropenol and %1 other "stuff" (Im NO chemist, just a electronic maint guy. I think its H20)...

You guys see any harm in using the above mentioned stuff? If memory serves me correctly the over the counter stuff has quite a bit more H20 in it.

If I try to use the "virgin" or "pure" alky then should I add distilled water or a lubricant to it to prolong the pump life??

TIA for any insight into this..
Sound be good stuff

You are right most is 60% to 80% pure with the rest water.
IMHO I wouldn't worry about the 1%.
You can run it straight and see what volumn you need to keep the knock out. Then mix some distilled water(10 or 20%) with it and see how the engine like it.
Again just my 2 cents.
Gary :)

Thanks for the info. Im going to try it and keep an eye on the KR vs alky settings and see what happens. Just wanted to know if the "pure" stuff would eat the pump and/or seals and poss cause a fire/problems. What do you think about adding a lubricant of some type to the alky??

Now I just gotta figure out how to get a 55gal drum of the stuff in my lunch box...:D

Thanks again...