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Infinity - Well it's funny anyway


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Buick Beginner

Where is my $$$ going?
Nov 9, 2001
I'm in the Air Force stationed at MacDill AFB, the other night we came home late from a mission and I stopped off at the local "stop and rob" for a drink. When I pull back up to the light one of the pilots I was on the mission with pulls up next to me in his new Infinity, I belives it's the G35 model, all black, a very sharp car indeed. He lowers the window and says, "I didn't know you had a GN, those things were pretty fast back in the 80's were'nt they?" I said yeah, then he say's "to bad they didn't make them faster than they were". I replied with, "Sir, you shouldn't have gone there". I knew good and well he was messing with me, he's your typical "Top Gun" type. So I start power braking up just a bit, he yells out the window, "OK, I see how it is". So when the light turned green I eased into it and waited for him to punch it. When he did, I hammered the GN and in about 4 seconds I was 4 car lengths out in front of him, I let off the gas to take my on ramp, but it looked like I had been shot out of a gun compared to his car, I was laughing like crazy. I know I'll see him next week and he'll start ribbing me again. But I think if I was a single 33 year old Air Force pilot, I might have to look into one of those things! - BB
Good Kill...

That's when the salute and "yes sir" turns into a smug wave out of the window as you're pulling away. :)