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Info on Castrol's website about lack of zinc in modern oils


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Shoulda kept the V8 in it
Feb 12, 2008
Just read today's installment of Kirban's Inner Circle and it included this link:

Castrol USA - Ron Answers your Questions

Read question #2 and the answer that goes along with it...some people on here have been skeptical about Kirban marketing ZDDPlus so heavily; but I'm thoroughly convinced especially after reading about this on a major oil company's website...
Hmmm. I had to read it twice. That still didn't answer the question. Ron danced around the subject if you asked me. :mad:
Just read today's installment of Kirban's Inner Circle and it included this link:

Castrol USA - Ron Answers your Questions

Read question #2 and the answer that goes along with it...some people on here have been skeptical about Kirban marketing ZDDPlus so heavily; but I'm thoroughly convinced especially after reading about this on a major oil company's website...

SORRY!! I Started Ranting again!! Oh Well here goes!! ;) ;)

When I met Dennis at BG in 92 he seemed like a nice guy, good car enthusiast etc. Plus the cool cowboy hat was mandatory back then they say.
Done a LOT of business with him over the years. Way before the internet I just had his newsletter & the GS Extra when it showed up.
I have checked many boxes for parts & he always delivered items promptly!!
Dennis has always been fair to me but one thing about him:
He has definately Earned his connections & Respect & Kudo's to him for that.

Now, on the flip side, being a Businessman First, he see's the ZDDP stuff as $$$ in the bank. I also believe that he can Sway people to sell his product & quite possible make them "over promote" it to everyone. Again for $$$.
Nothing wrong with that!! Thats the American Way!!!
Except, when you use proper oils (many brands meet the standard) you dont need the additive at all. I have broken in at least 5 Flat Tappet engines, 2 had EOS added. They all ran fine!
I KNOW, 5 engines at 500 HP Does NOT make ME an Engine Builder & I AGREE 100% that I am not any kind of professional at this like some truly are!

I just think he over hypes the stuff for profit & the older engines in the older cars are owned by Older "Anal" Car Guys & he has them Hook Line & Sinker!
I guess if you sleep better at nite using his product then go for it. Why Not??Personally, with most guys going roller very few of us even need it. The ones that are not roller just need to make sure they properly prime the engine first & properly break-in their cams for 20 mins at proper RPM levels while using a Proper Oil! Then a 50 mile ring breakin & thats it. Change you oil often!
When I raced every weekend in 92 I would just find the oil thats on sale & change it every 3-4 weeks as the track abuses it. I have never killed an engine in anyway except last year I blew a HG at the track from too much timing that was a Bonehead mistake by me & not the engines fault.

Also, does he mention you only may benefit from using it during Break In??
After that first 100 miles, what does it do????

Sorry for the rant but I had some time to kill & I respect Dennis but the ZDDP stuff gets me going as you can see.
Whatever floats your boat, then do it!!

Hmmm. I had to read it twice. That still didn't answer the question. Ron danced around the subject if you asked me. :mad:
He never answered anything pertaining to the question. Finished by saying "Castrol is responding to this problem and after some extensive engineering will be able to offer solutions and information." Which to me means Castrol isn't really doing anything to save old flat tappet cams at the moment:confused: