All you need to still get around is those little droplets hitting the turbine which is spinning at 100,000 RPM plus or minus.
Water isn't the softest stuff in the world.
The only folks that I know that are seriosly and totally into WI are the Tractor pullers, and all the ones I've seen have had the water downstream of the turbo.
MAYBE, adding a little pre turbo would be an answer, but not all, IMO.
If you want really good atomization go for 250 PSI. At those preassures the water is Cloud like.
When looking at the various things you can add, you need to look at how they effect the actual combustion reactions. Latent heat, etc., are but part of what goes on.
Water isn't the softest stuff in the world.
The only folks that I know that are seriosly and totally into WI are the Tractor pullers, and all the ones I've seen have had the water downstream of the turbo.
MAYBE, adding a little pre turbo would be an answer, but not all, IMO.
If you want really good atomization go for 250 PSI. At those preassures the water is Cloud like.
When looking at the various things you can add, you need to look at how they effect the actual combustion reactions. Latent heat, etc., are but part of what goes on.