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May 24, 2001
Ok, I have only used the powerlogger when I went to speed density and maf pro but...recently I went back to maf and translator.

Does the maf trace look like it is affected by interference from the alky pump? How about the wb trace?



That maf trace does look a little choppy but IMO not the alky pump. Maybe a bad connection somewhere. Did you solder the maf wires that use to go to the tpro?

At a quick glance, other stuff does not look too bad.

I completely removed the pro, I only mentioned it because I was used to seeing the steady "maf" signal that the pro outputs while in s/d mode.

This trace is from an 85mm maf and trans + (without the timing wiring hooked up).

I think I'm going to hotwire the alky setup just to isolate that circuit.

Certainly would not hurt to hotwire.

Were you using a plug and play harness for the tpro?
Yes, plug and play harness.

I noticed that my maf plug was hitting the a/c hose so I rotated the maf to move the plug. Another member just recently had this issue and it seems to have smoothed his maf trace. I'll get another datalog today, hopefully it is simple as this.

Shut the alky off and run the car see if the problem goes away.

I haven't shut the PAC off since 2003 ;)

I don't know if I can turn the boost down low enough to make a run on straight 93.

Take the arm of the WG puck. That should not let it overboost.
Did you run a temporary hot wire to the maf? Something else to check is resistance in the ground wire between the maf plug and engine block.

Per your translator question on fullthrottle: Nothing has to trigger wot fuel. It manualy changes the maf signal. When you adjust the translator wot knob, it changes the peak at the top of the wot fuel ramp. Ultimately, the entire tune is enriched or leaned out as you go up the ramp.
When you change the base setting it raises or lowers the bottom of the fuel ramp.


Also, you can use your Tpro with a mass air. Most of the time, thats the way I run. I have a ls-1 maf in a blow through configuration in the up pipe. The tpro can still run full time closed loop. Didn't know if you knew that.
Honestly, it has been so hot and humid down here in south Florida that I didn't feel motivated to get out in the black car with marginal a/c :redface:

Ahhh, I see. So the x-axis is actual gps and y axis is translator to ecm supplied gps. Add 2% fuel and slope would plot out to an artifical 512 x 1.02 upper limit. Substract 2% and max gps would be 512 x .98, correct?

I have used mafpro as a translator and I guess I should check with Bob, but it seems like the calibration changed from the 6.1 translator (85mm maf). I love the cal in the v6.1, but the mafpro cal didn't idle as well (both set to open loop).

Hopefully I'll get it out tonight and try some things.

Hot and humid here too. Nasty weather.

I think you have the right idea. The maf signal is just being raised or lowered from the base setting to achieve your desired afr.

The black line in the above graph would be wot knob set to 0. (no change)

The green line would be wot knob set to 2%+ rich

The red line would indicate knob being set 2%- lean.

The max maf number that can be read will be determined by what chip your running. Stock style chips only read up to 255. Extender chip read to 512 and a extender extreme 768.

This feature only works with extender and extender extreme chips. So changing the wot setting in the translator has little to no effect when running a stock style chip. It will still make the ramp up change but we quickly go above and beyond 255 gps. Thats not to say a stock style chips can't supply more fuel above 255 gps but it will be a function of the chip and not maf gps.

So lets just say for instance you have a extender chip that goes to 512. Your wot gps now is 300. Adding 2% percent should bring the maf number to around 306 or so. By the maf number being raised, more fuel is added. The most you can add with the translator wot knob is 14%. That should make your wot gps 342 or so if you were running at 300 set to 0.

I better get a A+ for this report. LOL!
Great write up!

Ok, while class is in session let's look at my file above. When I go wot I see 4 fuel "events".

Event 1 25.995 - 26.429

Event 2 26.429 - 27.608

Event 3 27.608 - 28.352

Event 4 28.352 - 30.710

And then 3rd gear fueling takes over. Care to go into what's going on at each event. Also, how would ext chip adjustments to "spool fuel" and 1-2 gear fuel affect the file?

My first reaction is to take 6% fuel out of 1-2 gear fuel to level the a/f out with 3rd gear. The other part I'm unclear about is if leaning out spool fuel will affect 'event 2'.
