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Dec 15, 2001
Everyone talks about how they install the SMC alky kit and miraculously can boost up to 22psi no probs at all. But I have been trying to tune mine for months now. Tuning these cars is not as easy as everyone makes it sound. I am getting knock with alky. Now I have the boost as low as the wastegate rod will allow (~19psi), and it still knocks between 1.x-2.x retard values usually. And the o2 numbers, ever since the alky, have been all over the place. I mean all kinds of crazy numbers like o2 millivolts in the 100's, 200's, etc. Anyone else having a tough time with tuning?
Alky turn-on point is ~14psi, and pump speed 2 1/2 (yes, the SMC kit). This is only with 19psi, maybe I could turn off the alky and be ok with xylene at 19psi? I also have an adj. fpr set at ~45 line off.

Thrasher 92
Walbro 307 hot-wired
Hooker exhaust
9" K&N
all else stock
I still have knock with alky & power plate but I would have more without it.
What were you running before? What could you run without it?
I got funny readings using alky and the Thrasher chip.
So unfortunely on my part, you are not alone.
Try raising the pump speed to 5 and see what it does. The 2.5 seems too low.

I have the SMC dual set up and I can get 25psi with no knock at all, not even transitional, with the p.speed set to 5. This is coupled with the T+ and extender which makes everything a little easier. If your using the single, might have to set it at 6 or 7. HTH

Turn the alky off and turn boost down to 15-17 lbs. Make it right. Then add the alky. I'd hate to see someone use alky to cure a problem instead of curing the problem then using alky.
If you don't have knock at lower boost levels then as Donnie says, turn up the spray.

Do something about only being able to turn boost down to 19 lbs!!!
The only o2 numbers that matter are at WOT. If you had a 100 at WOT your engine would be scrap. At WOT you should see mv in the 760-820 range
Turn the alky off and turn the boost down to 15 lbs. Do a wot run and get the 02s in the 780-790 range. If you are getting knock with this, then you have a problem. Your fuel filter may be clogged, bad injectors, bad pump, hotwire kit pinched, etc. If the car doesn't run right without the alky, then it isn't going to run right with it.

I had my car running fine with a stock setup. I put the alky kit on, turned the boost to 20, alky turn on at 12, and smc pump speed set at 8. It was pretty rich, so I stuck in my 108 chip, turned the boost to 21, pump speed at 9, and she ran like a scalded dog.

Turn the pump speed up to about 6-7. Pump speed at 2.5 is barely sending any alky in.

For me to run 21 lbs of boost and a 108 chip with the stock setup, I had to have the pump speed on 9-10
I don't have an SMC kit, I have a home made setup, but I do have some input.
First off, you should get the car right, with no knock before you turn on the Alchy. Then turn it on and turn up the boost. I can't comment on the pump speed, but I would have to say that you are turning the nozzle on too late. My system runs 4 nozzles. I have the first turn on at 3#, and the other 3 come on at about 12. If you have it turn on too close to the point that you get knock, then it isn't going to spray in time. I would get it running at as a high a boost setting you can get with out the alchy, then turn on the alchy, and keep turning the boost up. If you get a spike of knock when it first comes on, then lower the boost that it comes on at. I can run 25# with little to no knock. And if I do get knock, it is for just one frame. That is on 93 octane, and a Thrasher 108 chip. Good luck and start out slow, and keep turning it up gradually. Headgaskets are no fun to replace. Trust me, I know. I mean I really know.

Ok, I am here to reply now. Some of you suggested to turn boost down, what a wonderful idea, except as stated earlier, I can't turn boost down any more than ~19psi. The car was knocking bad since I bought it, I found out after installing a knock gauge and ScanMaster. I had to replace the chip (crappy) and the EGR valve (wrong one), then my exhaust crapped out, so I replaced it... then the boost was too high. I've never had it running on 93 octane without knocking. I was thinking maybe my fuel filter or o2 sensor was bad, causing my current knock.
I used to have the pump speed at 5, but I thought I would be flooding the motor at that high pump speed, since most people use 5 when boosting 22+psi, compared to my 19psi. Same results with pump speeds 2-6.
The o2 mv numbers are wacky at WOT, I know they aren't important during cruise. Thanks for the suggestions (too bad it's all 'turn down the boost').
Originally posted by BlackBeauty
Ok, I am here to reply now. Some of you suggested to turn boost down, what a wonderful idea, except as stated earlier, I can't turn boost down any more than ~19psi. The car was knocking bad since I bought it, I found out after installing a knock gauge and ScanMaster. I had to replace the chip (crappy) and the EGR valve (wrong one), then my exhaust crapped out, so I replaced it... then the boost was too high. I've never had it running on 93 octane without knocking. I was thinking maybe my fuel filter or o2 sensor was bad, causing my current knock.
I used to have the pump speed at 5, but I thought I would be flooding the motor at that high pump speed, since most people use 5 when boosting 22+psi, compared to my 19psi. Same results with pump speeds 2-6.
The o2 mv numbers are wacky at WOT, I know they aren't important during cruise. Thanks for the suggestions (too bad it's all 'turn down the boost').

What type of wastegate actuator is on the car? A HD actuator maybe? If so, that would explain the reason you can't lower the boost. But that's beside the point, you should be able to make 17-18 psi without any knock so something is wrong somewhere. A few things that we need to know is what injectors, fuel pump ect. you're running so we can get an idea of your set up. Post what you have done and maybe we can get to the bottom of this. FWIW, try to locate another chip to play with. The Thrasher sort of paints you into a corner with a set fp. Let us know. Thanks!!


Where are your 4 nozzles located?

Congratulations on being able to make your own successful AI! :)
I use 4 Aquamist nozzles(very small). They are located on the up pipe, just before the throttle body.
And thanks on the congrats. I got alot of the parts for nothing, so it was worth my while to throw together my own system.

If you have newer boost line vacuem hoses ( wastegate actuator hoses) Like one from kirbins ? It may need the Y drilled on the restrictor side. I just went through this and the local Guru told me to drill it to 50 to 60 thousandth's of an inch. It does not sound like much but it lowered my boost four pounds. Defect in some of the newer Y connectors! HTH ........Kevin
boost and alky

My friends 87 GN, which I work on runs 18-19 lbs of boost on sunoco 94 with a red arstong chip and no knock. You are either getting false knock or have so other problem. Like they said you need to get the car right before you turn up the boost and add alky. You should easily get 18 lbs on 94 street gas with NO alky or knock. Check fuel system. Do you have a hood mount fuel gauge? What pressure at WOT? Do you have a engine tie down? What all mods are done to your car? Go to www. johns and get the right "Y" connector for at the turbo and make sure it is installed right. You should by able to turn your boost down to 14 to 15. If not replace your actuator solenoid, the one on front of pass valve cover. What chip do you have? That could be one of your problems too!?