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Is my cam Ok? Need opinions!


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New Member
May 25, 2001
I pulled the motor out of my 86 T-Type today to replace the head gaskets. I have this to report so far. I rebuilt the motor about 12,000 miles ago and installed a Modern Muscle Car 206/206 cam, lifters, and springs. When I assembled the motor the lifter preload was set at .030. These lifters have been bleeding down for some time and clack upon cold start up until the motor has oil pressure. I thought that the cam was going bad. The front four lifters on each side of the motor show wear. It is like the hardening on the bottom of the lifters has worn away except for a very small ring around the outside. The centers of the worn lifters are just starting to pit. The rear two lifters on each side look good. My question is -- do you guys think I can install new lifters on this cam and it will be OK?? :confused:
If your cam lobes look good I would go back in with new and throw those in the trash! Definately do not use the ones you described. Lifters are cheap!
If the cam looks ok, and I'd take a very close look at it, new lifters should be fine. By chance, did you put in cam bearings when you rebuilt it? It's strange the front four are bad,, I'd expect the back ones to be more worn from being at the "end" of the oiling path.
Id be looking at that cam alot closer if you plan on reuseing it. Sounds like the lifters were not least not all the time. Check the bores for the lifter holes for burrs and such. Id pull the cam to look at the lobes carefully, make sure they still have a taper to em at the top of the lobe. Make sure the wear pattern does not go all the way across the lobes.
Now ya gotta find out why they went flat. Are the valves sticking in the guides ?? Too much spring pressure ?? Detonation ?? Lifter offset ?? Coil Bind ?? Lifter preload shouldnt do it since if its too tight the valve would be open..thats all. Oiling is prollly not the problem since the lobes are lubed with splash off the crank.
We lost 2 cams in 15 minuites each this past winter from piss poor machine wurk in a SBC. The valves were sticking in the guides when hot. When cold they felt fine. We got the heads off so quick, we could see the intakes still open, beat em out, beat em in..went for a smoke. Came back, the valves were free. SOAB !!! 5 out of 8 intakes too tight w/ new guides :(
Yes, new cam bearing were installed. Which after market lifters should I buy?? Are Sealed Power lifters OK to use?? Anyone have part numbers? I really researched my motor rebuild and tried to do everything right. That is why I bought the cam, lifters, and springs from the same vendor. I wanted everything to match. Maybe I just got some bad lifters! I also thought the fact that the front four on each side being bad was strange. Now to decide where to go from here?? Thanks for your help.
hmmm...Almost identical to mine...I also have the MM 208/208 and have about 13000 miles...started ticking one day when I got home from work...checked it out and found that it took a LOOOONNNNGGGG time for oil to flow in the driver's side head...sounds like lifters clattering...I've parked it and will be working on it in the near future...Was going to replace the cam bearings with the TA Performance grooved harder cam bearings...I haven't dug into the motor yet, but am ASSuming that my front cam bearing "melted" and mostly sealed up the hole for the driver's side lifter galley because of the length of time it takes for oil to reach the DS head...

Did you check to see how long it took for oil to reach the DS head??? How did your front cam bearing look???

Lemme know...Kind of curious on the similarities of the problems we're having...

Talk to ya later...
First and foremost, determine the cause of the failure. Check the suggestions in the other posts.

My preference is to treat cam and lifters as a package deal so I'm not one for taking chances by only replacing the lifters. As an option, the 206 206 cam from KD and Delco lifters make an awesome combination. Hopefully your valve springs are close to 90#s on the seat.
try to determine why the damage took place before you throw in another set of lifters and or cam.
My buddy and I just installed a MM 208/208 cam in my car two weeks ago and we used the sealed power lifters (Part # HT-969 I beleive) and the car sound slightly louder than with the stock cam. I'm using 10W-30 in the car know but I am thinking about going a bit thicker next oil change to see if it quiets down.
FJM568 are you sure you dont have a plugged oil passage causing the oil to take so long on the DS? I have never had mine running with the covers off but I can believe it it normal for it to take that long to get out to the lifters/rockers
Well, that is what I'm getting at...I really think my front cam bearing melted out, cutting off most of the oil flow to the driver's side lifter galley...I'm am running a Hi-Vol oil pump front cover and I am getting plenty of oil pressure(checked it at the turbo feed line w/a new AutoMeter mech. guage)...It just takes an awful long time for oil to reach the driver's side head...My motor ran real quiet for 13000 miles, just started ticking one day when I got home from work...Hopefully my cam is still intact :(
I pulled the motor to replace the head gaskets and to seal up oil leaks. I did not plan on doing anything to the valve train. I kind of suspected something was not right with the cam and lifters due to the cold start up noise (clack), but only planned on looking at the preload setting. I was not able to work on the motor yesterday due to the Easter holiday. I will inspect things closer later today. FJM568, I will post what I find out so you will know. Thanks to everyone for your comments.
Well, I figured out what my ticking is... :(

Lost the #3 exh lobe... :mad: :mad: :mad: Pulled the driver's side valve cover and rotated the motor over by hand and kept an eye on how far the rocker arms moved and I definately have a problem on the #3 exh lobe...

Anyone out there have any suggestions for a cam that has not ever lost a lobe??? Like that has ever happened LOL I will probably start another thread on this to get some suggestions...Cannot afford a billet roller...

Hope everything goes well with yours, Jim...

Talk to ya later...
Well I am disappointed in the MM 208/208 cam. I should not be having this problem. Never any collant in the oil. I pulled the pan and checked both the rod and main bearings. They are King Bearings that I ordered from Modern Muscle Car. The motor has over 12,000 miles on it and the bearing look great. I am going to replace the rear main seal and call the bottom end good. Now to figure out what to do about the cam shaft. I am leaning toward new lifters and using the 208/208 cam that is in the motor although it looks marginal. I am open to suggestions for a replacemant cam. Any ideas, anyone?? I want to go faster with my current combo, I don"t really need a bigger cam just a faster cam. I am sure there are several out there, just need to know which one. BTW the 208/208 is installed straight up per the cam card. It checked out perfect when installed. FJM586, sorry to hear about your cam trouble. Looks like we are in the same boat.