I was so happy my 87 GN actually made the tires squall last night !!!
I had to come it to work last night about 1 am and it was 60 degrees and clear... This car likes cool air night and day difference. I punched it leaving the parking lot and when the boost came up about 10 feet out the squalled the tires just a little bit. It did not break loose but it was all the tires could hold and it was a concrete parking lot too !
Anyway silly, but I was worried about my car, but its Balls seem to be dropping as the temperature drops....:biggrin: :redface:
oh it sems to be making about a lb more boost than it was on cold days then it bleeds back to the 15 I set, but it hits 16 at the beginning. Is that normal ?
I had to come it to work last night about 1 am and it was 60 degrees and clear... This car likes cool air night and day difference. I punched it leaving the parking lot and when the boost came up about 10 feet out the squalled the tires just a little bit. It did not break loose but it was all the tires could hold and it was a concrete parking lot too !
Anyway silly, but I was worried about my car, but its Balls seem to be dropping as the temperature drops....:biggrin: :redface:
oh it sems to be making about a lb more boost than it was on cold days then it bleeds back to the 15 I set, but it hits 16 at the beginning. Is that normal ?