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It Was One of Those Days - Part XXVIII


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Here - watch THIS!
May 24, 2001
It was one of those Saturdays that make you glad you have it off, you know? The sun was full and warm, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the grass couldn’t be greener nor the sky any bluer.

Before we knew it, it was time to head out. Jim had hooked us up with electronic surveillance gear (wires and hidden video cameras) and had assured us that he would be on top of everything…

In no time, we were there… the noise, the sounds, the smells… all were what you would expect at an organized street race. It was dark of course since it was after midnight… the moon had disappeared behind the cold clouds but there was an eerie lighting effect for some reason. No breeze was stirring but the smell of exhaust and molten rubber was heavy in the air…

Suddenly and from out of nowhere, Shawn was standing in front of me. It was creepy – one minute I was looking at a killer 1st gen Camaro hazing the hides in the near lane and then he was just ‘there’, in front of me… next to him was a couple more of the Reynolds clan but I couldn’t be sure who they were since the lighting wasn’t direct…

Then, in an instant, I’m sitting in the TTA and in a lane next to Shawn… I can hear the roar of his exhaust in my ears, even though I have a helmet on and had opened up the dump tube on the TTA, the scream of his crate Hemi was deafening… I could see Kel off to my right, waving at me, as if to get my attention but it was too late – we were about to get flagged to go…

I couldn’t remember what the wager was – was there one? I just couldn’t piece it together… I was in the car, the girl in the low cut top with no bra on was about to blink the flashlight at us… I couldn’t take my eyes off her breasts and the effect the cool night air was having upon her body…

Somehow, I saw the three blinks and it seemed as if I was frozen… I saw Shawn’s Cuda bolt from the line, its front tires were a good 2-3 inches above the tarmac… Kelly was waving at me as if to get me to move but I just sat there, frozen, cold sweat running down my back… I could hear her now… *steve*…

*STEVE!!!!* I could feel her reach in through the window and begin to try and shake me… she was yelling but I couldn’t hear her… I could read her lips but it was odd… she was smiling and yelling at me at the same time…


Then, she was back at the side of the car and I was moving… the Hemi was a long way in front of me and I knew I didn’t have a chance… I felt empty, cold, alone… disappointed in my poor showing… I could hear everyone laughing at me and could see them pointing at me and the car, wondering why I had frozen at the line…


I was pulling away harder now… oddly, I had caught up to Shawn and was passing him as if he was parked… the line was coming up and now I was happy… I was winning!...

But just as I was nearing the finish line, Shawn’s car was beside me again. And then, I heard a loud roar and then a *BOOM!* and in my peripheral vision, I saw the hood fly off his car with a lot of parts and fire shooting up… his car jerked hard to the right, nearly T-boned me before crossing in front of…

I saw the clear markings of the rear of his Cuda… I noticed the abnormal tilt to his car as it was trying to defy the laws of physics and keep going straight but it couldn’t…

I saw him suddenly plow sideways into a light pole, his car wrapping around it as if it were simply putty… even as I slammed on the brakes and jumped from the car as it stopped, I turned and looked back at the accident…

Shawn’s screams were loud and haunting… I ran up to his car and it was engulfed in flames… he couldn’t get out and he was struggling as I watched the flames licking up in front of him… his eyes were wide with horror as he realized he was going to burn to death right in front of me…

And then I saw Bill Reynolds standing there at the side of the car, crying and looking at me with anger in his eyes…

“YOU killed him, Steve… YOU killed my son… I will get you for this Steve! I SWEAR – I will GET YOU FOR THIS!!!”

He was shaking his fist in my face even as we listened to Shawn burn alive but we were caught up in the drama…


Kelly was there… somewhere… I could hear her, but I couldn’t see her…


And then, I felt like I was emerging from the deep end of the pool… her voice got clearer…

“Steve… are you ok?”

I could feel her… I could smell her perfume… I didn’t smell the car fire… I didn’t hear Shawn’s screams or Bill’s threats…

“Steve – are you all right?”

And then – I woke up…

It was barely light outside… we were still in bed and I could feel Kel’s head on my shoulder, her arm across my chest…

“I think you were having a bad dream, hon… are you ok?”

“Gee Kel… it was weird… It was like a replay of Ned’s crash but it was like it was Saturday night… I was spooky…”

I sat up in bed for a moment… I realized thankfully that it HAD been just a dream. A bad one, yes… but still, just a dream…

I looked over at Kelly lying on the pillow, her eyes warm and loving… I reached up and tried to clear the cobwebs out... rubbing my eyes seemed to help and I could feel Kel's hand on my back rubbing me softly... patting me and caressing me...

“Why don’t you lay back down, Steve? I think I know what might get your bad dream off your mind…”

I turned and looked her. She was the same angelic vision I had met many years ago... there was never any bad time to see my Kelly... she looks like a million bucks, even at what she thinks is her worst moment.

This definitely was NOT one of her worst moments... she was laying there, in our bed beside me, the sheets down barely covering her thighs and I could only feel grateful to be able to see such a display of naked innocence... no artist could capture her erotic and yet giving beauty...

She grinned again; just the same as she had only hours earlier… already, the dream was a distant memory… yet, it was still there… she kicked the sheets all the way down... the only thing between us now was the air in the room...

I leaned over and kissed her and her mouth was warm and inviting… she hugged me and pulled me close to her bare skin… her curves and warmth won me over… her kiss and her touches erased my memory of the dream of the fiery crash…

“Make love to me again, Steve… just like last night… “

And just then, the dream was gone…

Maybe for good, maybe not… but at that moment, I had other wonderful things to explore… I could feel her wrap her smooth, silky leg around my waist as she tried to pull me into her soul...

It was going to be a great morning after all…

To be continued…