I have the v2 setup at his shop from the Gp in Feb, and a set of heads that I personally drove down to him from KY. I haven't heard from him either, nor have I been able to contact him. I am not overly concerned however, the guy just doesn't seem to be the type that would pull a fast one on anyone to me. I know that doesn't lend a lot of comfort with this much cash on the line, but it is all you can hold on to right now. Have a little faith in the guy. HE has been dealing with some serious s*&t in the past six months. I know that as a one man operation he was a little overwhelmed with all of the v2 orders, and etc, etc. I owe him $350 and if he called me tomorrow I'd send it to him.
I think that if there is anyone in the vicinity that can go to his shop and track him down to talk to him, then that would be great, but until I hear otherwise, I'm keeping the faith. I gotta believe that all will be well, he just seems like a really good guy to me.
I just wish he would make contact to get this cleared up with everyone. Before this gets out of hand...ie S&S