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jessica lynch


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New Member
May 14, 2003
Anyone else thinks it's just a bunch of polliticaly correct b.s. that she is getting an award?

I think the guys that saved her ass should be getting the award, or maybe the guys that died fighting. I appreciate what our soilders do, and don't mean to mock them. But this is bs! She gets a chopper ride home, an award, and the boys who got shot in combact get shipped back like their freight. Where's their star? It seems to me she gets this award simply because she's a woman.
Don't neccessarily think it is an issue of being politicaly correct or that she is a woman, but more of it being great publicity for all the media hounds to exploit which is truly the American way. Ratings = $$$. Yes, it is unfortunate that only a special few get recognized as media darlings. Perhaps a major US paper should run a picture of every soldier (hero!) who fought in Iraq, including American, British, Australian, etc. and not just wait until they are killed in action.

By the way, and please excuse the bad pun, to add insult to injury, it has been reported that soldiers spending time in the hospital are being charged for their meals, deducted from their paychecks! Nice touch.
Lets see..get lost while part of a convoy, then get hurt in a vehicle accident, sounds like medal of honor material to me...what a bunch of crap! There are some real heroes out there and she is not one of them.

And what about the pilot who flew the spy plane and landed on communist china soil, only to have the plane and its intelligence violated and he comes back to a heroes welcome? Why did he not ditch that plane, he knew the risks I'm sure regarding the mission....don't make sense to me.
I don't disagree with what you say, but for whatever reason, the media jumped on this story. They're probably hoping they can somehow discredit the American government. Hopefully, she can be a spokesperson for the other soldiers that are stuck over there to protect us. There isn't much being said on about the whole situation of being at war. We have such important things going on. :rolleyes: Talking about it would at least give moral support to our soldiers fighting and dieing in a really strange place but we just don't have the time. :(
Originally posted by Quick6
Lets see..get lost while part of a convoy, then get hurt in a vehicle accident, sounds like medal of honor material to me...what a bunch of crap!

You forgot the best part... get a million dollar book deal! And she doesn't even remember being captured.

So, to review - Get lost and get captured (none of which you remember), get saved (of which your role is to simply be there), become a celebrity (for no apparent reason), become rich by telling a story of an experience you do not remember.

Is this a great country or what?
For a million dollars here memory seems to be coming back!
Thats a real american for you. She shouldnt be able to take the money, she was only do her job, she signed up for it, she wasnt drafted. and I dont believe she should make money off it.
But i do support her as a soldier and well as all the others fighting,the money should be given to the families who have lost loved one fighting.
i sopport our troops , not the president and the media. I think anyone who becomes a POW should get a medal of honor.
i feel for both sides, i know many of my friends died, to get no medal, and people died to rescue her, if not on the actual mission the missions leading up to the big rescue. she does deserve something, she was kept as a pow, beaten, gang raped for days on end ( if you think not, then you don't know this culture that we are dealing with ) and then her efriends were shot jsut eet from her. but on the flip side, she was part of a group that got lost, but she peopable had nothing to do with the navigation, the cam under attack, her weapon jammed and she did not know how to clear it, and she got taken prisoner, did she deserve awards yes, book deal, whe will need that money just to pay for a shrink to fix her head, but would you want to remember being gang raped, probably not. do i think she is as deserving and a someone that in past wars might of single handedly taken out a maching gun nest, or jumped on a grenade to save his platoons life, i don't think so, and what about the crews of that mh-47 that went down in afghanistan, many acts of heroism went on there, especially with the pj that saved many peoples lives before sucomming to his wounds, roberts ridge was a place of heros, i don't think jessica lynch is a hero, i think that she is someone that endured alot, but not a hero, not up to par with people like john mccain, just my view though
Originally posted by MiamiGN3.8
i sopport our troops , not the president and the media. I think anyone who becomes a POW should get a medal of honor.

The President, who cares about Americans and acts to protect us, and the media, who care about their pockets, aren't on the same team. If you want some wimpy, lying, liberal to replace George Bush (never happen), you either don't watch any media or too much slanted coverage on CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC.
What else is funny is that the fighter pilots who fly at super high altitudes got a crap load of medals, while us low flying slow flying C-130 folks and helo guys barely get squat. Hmm, lets see, fly high-fly fast, get many medals. Fly low-fly slow get nothing. We were in more of harms way than the fighter jocks. We flew at less than 500 feet, close enough for some local to throw a stone just about.
I can see that the senior officers see the prior POW Lynch as a heart-warming story so they are pushing it for what its worth.
And "yes" they have to pay for there meals. Well, sort of, they just get a portion of there pay taken for each meal, since we usually get paid a meal allowance. I'd personally eat an MRE!
Jessica Lynch better give the man who walked to US forces and told them where she is a big fat thank you in the form of $$$$ for saving her ass.

While she is at it, an all expenses paid vacation to a nice tropical island for the special forces unit would be appropriate.

Originally posted by Reggie West
Jessica Lynch better give the man who walked to US forces and told them where she is a big fat thank you in the form of $$$$ for saving her ass.

While she is at it, an all expenses paid vacation to a nice tropical island for the special forces unit would be appropriate.


They met and our Govt. got the guy and his family in the U.S. and he already has a job here ... :eek: ..
Originally posted by Bruce Davis
He already has a job. I've been out of work since april. :(

You need to marry Jessie :p

It's sad that our Govt. will give Billions of dollars to foreign countries that hate us and send Billions of dollars to flood and earthquake disaster reliefs to them, but won't give a penny to us in a hurricane like Isabel ...Some lost everything ..... :rolleyes:
I swear I'm not a recruiter or anything, but I have a few friends that have been out of work for a while, and I put a spark in there ear to join the Air Force. As long as you have a HS diploma or better, no felony covictions, and can pass a physical, your golden. Reason I bring it up, is that I love what I do, and I'm lazy. It's not for everyone, but you never get laid off or downsized. You get medical for the whole family, plus dental. I'm not going to say it's free, because our job is inherantly dangerous. We work like a civilian job 99% of the time. All my Army buddies hate me because we don't have a quarter of the BS they do. I could go over to the Army as a helo pilot, and that would be over $1000 a month raise, but HELL NO. It's still not worth it. We (Air Force) are hurting for aircraft mechanics, and enlisted flyers (that's what I am). You can get a couple grand for an enlistment bonus too. Now if your over 32 I believe you can't do it. But if your under that and married you'll make about $2000 a month to start.
Please don't flame me for this. I wish just wish everyone would be in the Air Force, that way, I'd have more gearhead buddies!
Jesus Christ Guys!!!

This girl is a soldier, fought for her country, was captured, beaten and God knows what else...

She didn't ask for the spotlight, she got caught in it...

She didn't say others don't deserve credit...

For you guys who never served - shut up!

For you guys who did serve and are complaining - shame on you. You ought to know better. Besides, serving is its own reward!!!

Get off of it...
Fair enough mr strikeeagle.

Shame on me-Maybe you've never been close enough to be shot down, so you may need to blast fellow military brothers. I was there the night she came from Kuwait. I wear my pride in my heart, not on my shoulder. And I am glad she is home. I just wish they would all get to come home and start letting then run there own country.

As a side note, do you know that the Iraqi folks who joined there new military got paid $50 US dollars when they graduated basic training? That's a pretty good incentive for those guys. I'd say take some of that 87 billion, and pay them $100 and train more, so our Army folks can get back.
Originally posted by strikeeagle
Jesus Christ Guys!!!
She didn't ask for the spotlight, she got caught in it...


But by accepting a massive amount of money to "tell her story" she also accepted the spotlight. Since she has now put herself 'out there' she becomes fair game. That's how the media celebrity machine works plain and simple.