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jessica lynch


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Gotta stay in perspective. She didn't ask for the spotlight, but if someone offers you "a million" dollars (if that's really the figure), you'd be crazy to turn it down. There's nothing wrong with telling the story, and that is a LIFE ALTERING amount of money. Especially for someone who will be completely forgotten by the media in a few months. That money could mean a lot to her family. It's easy to say that you'd turn it down when it's not being offered to you. She's in the spotlight for now regardless, I think she'd be nuts not to get something out of it. It does not show any lack of respect for her fellow soldiers. People always complain how military folks don't ever get the spotlight, and then when one does they complain about that. Live and let live. If you don't like her, don't buy the book. That'll show 'em.
to stir things up words of an ex soldier,
"As a veteran of a few wars(most recent Iraq)I feel that Lynch is over rated.I was part of the first wave of U.S soliders to hit Iraq.I never considered myself a hero.I fought beside the heros the ones that gave there lives so we all can live in peace an harmony.I lost a few good freinds over there an made alot of life long ones.
Look at it.her weapon wasnt cleaned so she couldnt shot it.They got lost in route(camanders fault)She recieved her injuries in the accident an was reciving care by the Iaq people.they didnt hurt her in any way,shape are form.She dosnt remeber anything after the crash(so how is she going to write a book)I feel the money shes geting for the book should go to the families of her fallen just 25 an i had nightmares because of the stuff i did an seen over there i sleep about 2 to 3 hours a nite.I have gotten better since returning back to the states.I will never forget it."