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Just an old mustang kill


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Nov 7, 2002
I've been stir crazy in the house lately because of the weather-been thinking about the good old days when I prowled the streets in my 86 T-Type.

I recall that the big deal when I was younger was to go to the beach and cruise around to look for trouble. (Well, I didn't look fr trouble, just chicks) Anyway, I used to be one of the few guys that had a decent car and a valid license and insurance. So, inevitably my "crew" rolled with me.

It was around 9:00pm and we went out to the beach to check out the scene. My car didn't have a system nor did it have a fancy paint job so I'd usually park it out of sight and let the posers brag on their cars. Well this one evening we're out on the strip and I've parked the car further back so it's hard to see. My "crew" knew how fast the car was so they'd usually do the talking. This evening no one was chatting too much.

So, we get to the spot where the "show" cars are bumping the systems and all the guys are hanging out. Some guy looks over to me and says "are you gonna run that thing?" I give him that Deniro look kinda like " you talking to me?" He acknowledges, that he is in fact directing his comment to me. I say "that thing? I chuckle. I don't really think you want to be embarrassed tonight. Maybe you want to focus on something else" Apparently this was enough to elicit an "oooohhhh" from the collective crowd.

The guy proceeded to tell me that he had all kinds of mods on his 5.0 and that he his system was probably worth more than my car. Well, I thought to myself, my mommy doesn't pay my car note...

Anyway, the guy kept pushing and talking so I said "fine, I'll run you but not here where it's crowded. We'll go to a long mostly isolated stretch." He was fine with that. The crowd dispersed to go and see the race.

I sent my guys with some other people and the mustand guy took a friend to document his "imminent victory":wink:

We got out to the spot, apparently we had passed everyone in our anticipation to get there.

My windows were down, I was in the left lane-he's in the right. He yelled out to me and I told him that we'd go on his mark - we were at about 15-20mph. He punched it and then dropped his hand. Typical mustang owner...

Well, since it was a cool evening and I hate to run with my windows open, I had to perform the two finger contortion to close the power windows while I was trying to steer and drop the hammer on this ass-clown. After what seems like an eternity the windows are finally up and the stang has already pulled away from me. I drop the hammer and in an instant I'm next to him. As is my custom, I beep the horn twice and wave and proceed to pull away like he is standing still. In a few seconds I am all by myself hurtling down the road so fast that the car feels like it wants to come off the road (if only I had wings...) Anyway, I decide that I think it's gone on long enough so start feathering the brakes to slow the bullet that I have become.

I finally get down to a reasonable speed and pull into a hotel driveway and put on my hazards and sit and listen to the radio until the stang finally shows up. The driver and his pal are dumbfounded. Then, the driver has the nerve to ask "did I give you a good run?" I couldn't believe it. I said "yeah, until I got out of neutral" (Yes, I know I was mean but the guy was an ass).

Anyway, I headed back to the beach and the guy apparently went on home because I never saw him again. It was a brutal whoopin'.;)

ahhh the memories.
WOW:eek: :eek: That's a great kill. Mine was similar but I was the tricked one. Saw a Grandaddy National and had a single turbo supra and got WOOOOPED on the highway.
That was a great story! Thanks for sharing. Some day I’m going to leave my surroundings of bean and corn fields and find a town with stop lights and then I too will have a kill story to share. Until then its just me and my imagination.
That was a great story! Thanks for sharing. Some day I’m going to leave my surroundings of bean and corn fields and find a town with stop lights and then I too will have a kill story to share. Until then its just me and my imagination.

Roll on down to Ottumwa, when I was growing up there was a few runs to be had:biggrin: (I wonder if the local police still remember me 25 years later);)
The stang was an early 90's GT 5.0. I ran a single turbo supra but it was an 87 model and it was gutless. I even gave the guys a headstart...:eek:
nice kill , glad you shut his mouth, :biggrin: next time he won't be so quick to judge a car by it's look's