Just got my new iMAC going & on-line.

Man I'm jealous. Earlier this year my wife totaled our laptop and I replaced it with a Dell with Vista on it. It's been a freakin' nightmare. I don't blame Dell too much, Microsoft just sucks. It's almost criminal.

I'm going Apple next time around....


Would you Like a OEM XP PRO Service Pack Disk to Load on her Dell what model is it ?
Windows XP: The future

The Future of Windows XP

Last year you told us you weren't quite ready to say goodbye to Windows XP. We listened. That's why we delayed our plan to stop selling it until June 30, 2008.

We love that you love Windows XP. We've seen it on our website, in e-mails, and through independent online petition drives. Our engineers work hard to build innovative software that empowers our customers. It's nice when you tell us we've made a difference.

But our commitment to innovation sometimes means making tough choices. This is one of them.

After careful consultation with our customers and industry partners, we've decided to proceed with our plan to phase out Windows XP in June. It'll be a long goodbye. We plan to provide support for Windows XP until 2014.

We know there have been lots of questions—and some confusion—about our plans. Some key things you should know: