K & N set up


New Member
Jul 9, 2003
Where can I get a K & N set-up for my '79 turbo coupe I need help in keeping my engine running cool I already have the 160 and electric fan in motion help.....
Hmm, You can use a Honda Civic or was it Accord cold air kit..
Pat is running one as well as me(mine was given to me,hence I'm not sure of which one)

off what year honda and what make could u use it off of? and what would u do with the vac that goes to that lil thingy on the body of the air box?
Hey Pat youra is alittle dif than mine. Mine sits on top of the old airbox, no need to remove than reinstall for winter ops.
I'll have to get a pic of it and add it to the site. Maybe you can id it.
Here's what I did. Cheap, easy and effective. Just block off the THERMAC vacuum line.

OK, I took a picture of this setup today. The filter is a K&N RE-0810 which I bought from Conley's performance at the GSCA Nationals (~$45). It fit's perfectly where the stock air box was and uses the factory accordian duct. (This is in my '82 GN)


And here's another version from my '83 T Type. This time I wanted to keep the stock air box in place in case it gets cold enough that I need the THERMAC for daily driving. Something has to go so the cone can fit, so out came the charcoal cannister. Since the accordian isn't long enough, $3 worth of dryer duct does the job.
