Keep Alky Kit or Ditch it?

My T Nice

New Member
Jan 30, 2012
Considering buying a car that has an alky kit already installed. Not sure if I want to keep it on the car if I end up getting the car. Any draw backs to having alky installed? I won't be racing the car, so I'm not really going to need an alky kit, but it would be nice to have the option of turning up the boost a little if and when I wanted to. Any thoughts?
If its a clean looking install. I would def keep. If its an ugly install. Remove it, and reinstall it very neat & keep it. Think I'm trying to say Keep it. :)
KEEP IT! Better to have it & not need it than to need it & not have it. Added benefit of alky is keeping the inside of engine clean. plus if alky is installed, you probably have a chip & other ancillary items added. There are really no downsides to having alky that I can think of...
D :)
Def keep it! Whose kit is it? Is it progressive? Find out the details, but I am pretty sure you should keep it. Alky wakes the car up sooooo much. A GN at 15 psi is quick, but a GN at 20 psi is a fricken BEAST! Drive it like an old lady until the opportunity to play comes up (turbo'ed ricer, vette, crotch rocket, etc) then play a little, then go back to your "sunday cruise" driving. ;)
22 PSI is better than 15. Even with a completely stock turbo. You won't be disappointed!
Famous words.. "but it would be nice to have the option of turning up the boost a little if and when I wanted to" .. we've all been there and done that.

Drawbacks.. need to keep alcohol in the tank and test the system before slamming down the pedal. If the car was on stock boost levels.. you wouldnt have to worry about this. Once you drive the car "frisky" and want to keep it turned up.. its a thing you need to keep an eye onas it allows higher boost at a cost of maintenance.

Alcohol kits have been on the market now since the mid 90's. Mine started in 2003. But I wouldnt recommend reliability with a system that hasnt been serviced in many moons like 4-5 years+

So a working fresh kit is awesome. a 8 year old kit needs to be updated. You need to make the decision if you plan on driving "frisky" and then if so.. make the move to make sure the system is up to date and working as should. On my stuff typically get a new pump.. or the get the one on there rebuilt and make sure all the wiring is neat and in place.

No free lunch on anything. But the car on higher boost is way more fun to drive all the way around.
I won't be racing the car, so I'm not really going to need an alky kit, but it would be nice to have the option of turning up the boost a little if and when I wanted to. Any thoughts?

well if your goin to drive the car around with 12#s of boost like an old fart in a Lincoln Town car you can ditch the alky. BUT IF your goin to drive like this why even bother buying a car like this.. Get a nice Yugo GT instead. :p
Decided to keep the alky and will be taking delivery of the car in April. Thanks for the responses and suggestions. I kind of like the idea of being able to turn up the boost if and when I want to. Can't wait to drive this thing!!!! Spring seems so far away. I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas (only in April though.).:)
Only thing is I would get Julio to look at the pump. If the other owner ever put lube, contaminated methanol, alky and or so crap with petroleum in it then the pump took a hit. AKA CYA