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Keeping the alky tank cool


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Lone Wolf
May 24, 2001
I put the SMC kit where it was supposed to go....along the rad shroud.

After driving for a few hours the tank is downright hot!!!!

I am thinking about wrapping the tank in some silver insulation stuff from the loacal hardware store.

Any other suggestions or thoughts on the matter?

Anyone know the flashpoint of 75% isopropyl???? :-)
I have often thought about this same thing, I bought a SMC kit off this board that mounts in the trunk, that should keep it cooler, I have also thought about making a cool can to put dry ice in to keep it real cool at the track or out at the cruise nights.
The heat freaks me out a bit, too. But I ran it all summer in 100+ degree heat and it seems okay. I checked it a number of times - no leaks. When it's hot, you can smell the alky from inside the car - must be gas blowing past the cap when it expands from the heat. I thought about relocating over by the charcoal canister. It's gotta be cooler over there.

Yea.......I was a little concerned over the summer myself as the tank would get REAL HOT when driving for any length of time. After awhile I didn't give it much thought. I wonder if having the alky hot makes a difference in terms of performance?? :confused:
i didnt like the thought of it being on the shroud like that. so i mounted mine in the trunk. was pretty ez. dont know why more ppl havent done it that way.
Originally posted by wants a tr
i didnt like the thought of it being on the shroud like that. so i mounted mine in the trunk. was pretty ez. dont know why more ppl havent done it that way.

What did you use for plumbing from the trunk to the intake tube? All that braided line would be pricey, no?

i used braided line. got lucky on that deal. paided 20 bucks for roughly 15 feet of it. love those broke 5.0 guys in a pinch for cash.:)
i mounted it on the drivers side, where there's a bracket. i made a bracket out of that metal stuff with holes in it. dont know what u call. kinda like angle iron but flat. didnt even have to drill ne holes. i dont have ne pics, but i could get some. how about u? how did u install urs? pics?
Any notice any lag time when the alchy turns on with all that hose to pass thru? Does it seem to stay "primed" so the alchy is at the nozzle for immediate injection?
i havent noticed any negative things yet. i always make sure it is primed b4 i use it. i called and talk to steve about it and he said to maybe set the turn on point a bit earlier, and maybe more pump speed. i have had no problems thus far tho. just have to take the longer line into consideration.