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Killed a new Mustang GT but feel like a jerk


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Active Member
Oct 27, 2003
I took the Buick out tonight because I had some errands to run and it was a beautiful night. I came out of my driveway and there were some kids hanging out across the street. I live at the top of another road and there's always some kind of teenager activity going on in that little area. As I come around the corner I saw a new Mustang starting down the road in front of me comming from the area where the kids were.

Anyhow, I happened to be behind it as we made a right onto the four lane highway we call Route 46. I was kind of excited because I never got a chance to see what these cars are capable of until now. I let the Mustang get out a little before I stomped on the gas pedal. I shot around it in the left lane and let off somewhere near the speed limit.

Later on we get some open road and the Mustang tries it's luck. It hangs with me for a few seconds but then it's bye bye Mustang. Well, when I looked over, I noticed an older woman driving and I think it was my neighbor. :eek: She was probably up at the end of the road talking to her kid when I first pulled out of my driveway. I was under the impression that it was just one their random freinds or something.

I met these folks at a local cruise night last summer and they're really nice people. Her husband (boyfreind?) has a 57 Chevy vert and some other really nice cars. I don't recall ever seeing this Mustang in the driveway but maybe she just got it. If I would have known it was my neighbor I wouldn't have been a jerk and provoked a race. :redface: Just thought I would share,

At least yours runs.

Neighbor or not, if they try it you gotta lay the smack down. She's probably been dying to run that car anyway. Now she knows better.

In other news, the Roxbury po-po nabbed me in the White Zombie tonight. Improper passing while 'tearing up the right lane'. I told him to leave me alone or I'd tell my mom. He let me off with a warning.

Well, I confirmed my theory tonight. On my way home from work I saw the Mustang sitting in the garage at my neighbors house. I guess I'd feel like an bigger jerk if I actually lost. :D Iv'e definitley left my mark in the hood now. :eek:
that would seriously suck -- you just buy a nice, new "sports" car, which you think is seriously fast, and the first time you take it out on the streets, your neighbor with the 80s buick blows your doors off multiple times. Talk about buyer's remorse! "Damn! Shoulda got the Cobra!" The dealership mechanic will probably have a hard time explaining to her that there is nothing especially wrong with her car... it's just a slow ford. He'll probably say, "well, what kind of car beat you?" "It was some old black 80s looking car... it wasn't even loud or anything!" "oh, one of those. I've had to explain turbo buicks to new mustang owners since 1985."

you know, you may have even given her the mod bug!
You should never feel like a jerk for a mustang kill. If my mom drove a mustang and tried to race me I would kick her butt too. :D Luckily for me though my mom had decent taste and the last car she had before going to suv's was a 95 Impala SS.
it's just a slow ford. He'll probably say, "well, what kind of car beat you?" "It was some old black 80s looking car... it wasn't even loud or anything!" "oh, one of those. I've had to explain turbo buicks to new mustang owners since 1985."

sig worthy material there.....
you know, you may have even given her the mod bug!

Maybe. They are car people. The guy is mostly into Fords. He has an old fast back and Ford truck besides the 57 Vert. The New Maustang is a nice looking car but man, I wasn't impressed. It didn't seem to have much going on at all performance wise. I think my father's 99 Camaro SS would have given me a much better run.
I wasn't impressed. It didn't seem to have much going on at all performance wise. I think my father's 99 Camaro SS would have given me a much better run.

I feel the same way. But then, looking at our sigs, we are running pretty much identical:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I've got a buddy talking about getting one of those Foxbody Ford Mustang's.

He's talking in the 1500-2000 range. Hehehe. I'm looking forward to it. He loves to beat on his cars, and I can't wait to take him down. :D

Maybe. They are car people. The guy is mostly into Fords. He has an old fast back and Ford truck besides the 57 Vert. The New Maustang is a nice looking car but man, I wasn't impressed. It didn't seem to have much going on at all performance wise. I think my father's 99 Camaro SS would have given me a much better run.

yeah, the current mustang GT's are only about as fast as the old LT1 camaros (high 13s or so). THe ls-1s like your dad's would kill a new GT. GM's sports cars always seem to be a couple of generations ahead of the mustangs. Now the new GTOs are high 12s stock, and I bet the new camaro that comes out soon will be at least that fast. I wonder how long it will be before they make a mustang that runs those kind of times?
I don't see them dong much with with N/A engines. We'll probably just see more S/C Mustangs in the future.
i guess they are not really comparable... GTs costed a good bit less than an SS or z28, or a GTO today, but they also have the supercharged cobras, which are a little quicker than the ls-x gm cars but are more expensive.
True, the Mustang is almost $10,000 chepaer than what a new LS1 was going for before they went out of production.
What a Jerk you are! lol :D Just go over there tomorrow or something and talk about it. I mean really rub it in! lol j/k just apologize and see what she has to say. ;)
I don't feel the need to apologize. All I did was pass her in the left lane and she took the bait. If I knew it was her I probably would have hung back though that's all.

It's funny, the new Mustangs seem to appeal to older women. I see alot of middle aged women driving the new GT's. I don't mean to offend anyone on here who might own one. It's just an observation.
I don't feel the need to apologize. All I did was pass her in the left lane and she took the bait. If I knew it was her I probably would have hung back though that's all.

It's funny, the new Mustangs seem to appeal to older women. I see alot of middle aged women driving the new GT's. I don't mean to offend anyone on here who might own one. It's just an observation.

That's true. There's your neighbor, and that other older lady in the red convertible that drives it like she's 17. I'd love to slap that one around. There's a white one too, isn't there?

yeah, the current mustang GT's are only about as fast as the old LT1 camaros (high 13s or so). THe ls-1s like your dad's would kill a new GT. GM's sports cars always seem to be a couple of generations ahead of the mustangs. Now the new GTOs are high 12s stock, and I bet the new camaro that comes out soon will be at least that fast. I wonder how long it will be before they make a mustang that runs those kind of times?

I sold an 04 GTO and have driven the 06 GTO and at stock they are about 13.3 at 104-106mph at best with an auto. The sticks are slower. the new Camaro I would think would be about the same maybe 13.0 flat.

No remorse she started it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now he is another story along those lines. My neighbor, a local cop, just sold his absolutely beautiful restored 68 Mustang to buy a new 08 Mustang GT.
I can't believe it.

Anyway when I am working in town I go to lunch at this little Italian restaurant where all the police eat and he is usually there when I venture in.

Him and his compadres are discussing how fast the new stang is and he says to me, "when you gonna get your car running again".

Well as I just posted in the Supra post it is, but I hope I never come across him on the street.

I might have to let him win. Please forgive me guys!
