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kirban Turbo Seminar June 27th Lemont, Ill


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Dennis Kirban

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Because I am a speaker later that week at the GTO Nationals held in Springfield, Illinois I have arranged with Paul Castle and the local GS Club to do a seminar at Castles shop 6 til 9 pm located at 220 River Street in Lemont, Ill.

We request you bring a lawn chair to sit on. Food and drinks will be provided. I will have my usual M&M contest plus a special item for each attendee. I will also have a special guest with me that makes parts for me for almost 30 years one of which you probably have on your car.

Mark your calendar if I can drive 800 plus miles I expect to see many of my Illinois and western Indiana customers at this seminar as I seldom travel this far anymore. Bring cores that you want to cash in for letters of credit. You can also catchup to me at the GTO Nats. Although not generally open to the public you will be able to see the outstanding GTOs from around the country. I do a seminar there Thursday 8:30 am....

At the Buick seminar I will show samples of the door VIN decals and some of the neat new products we have. I will have some used parts with me. Hope to see you there.

make sure you bring some spending cash!!!!
Kirban Update:

As I write this the count of confirm people coming is almost at 50. Some are coming from Wisconsin, Indiana even Tennessee. It is open to anyone to come with any muscle car actually as I can also do a seminar on Hurst sinceI will have some of my rare early Hurst items with me since I am speaking 2 days later in Spring, Illinois. All are welcome. I personally will have a gift for each attendee that indicates they are coming. Castle wil have a gift for each car owner in attendance.

You must email Paul Castle

We ask you bring a lawn chair, food and drinks will be provided. Bring your wallet as the no reserve auction will feature some very rare items from Castles collection and I am bringing a few items as well.

Bring any cores you want to cash in that we seek such as powermasters, steering wheels, and mass air flow sensors. Any parts you want to sell or trade as I am a possible is Castle.

Event may run pass 9 pm....when Castle and I discussed me coming to do this seminar at his Lemont shop location I figured I would get a dozen or so people on a Tuesday. We are way beyond that number.

Event has no rain date....

Hope to see you there.

I don;t travel as much anymore as I used to.

I am told Lemont, Illinois is a quaint historic little town.

Date is Tuesday June 27th starts at 6 pm......
Kirban Update:

As of today 6-10-17 the count is over 50 with several coming from surrounding states. Eevent is open to any owner with any US muscle car as we can appreciate all kinds. SInce I wil have my Hurst items with me for the GTOAA Nats seminar I will talk briefly on Hurst which will interest other car owners.

Bring any parts you want to sell or trade. Cores are welcome......I need powermaster cores, turbo cores and steering wheel cores. Also I am buying original 1984-1987 turbo regal valve covers for the desk top valve cover lamps we are getting made. These are really cool.

Will have one for display and hopefully some available for purchase as we now have worked out the details on the parts needed to make them.

This could be a good size event for a Tuesday nite....

see you in Lemont, Illinois

you must email so we have accurate count as pizza and drinks will be provided bring a lawn chair and your wallet.

When Castle and I originally discussed this we figured I would get 15-20 people...

count is 50 plus and growing...