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Klotz lube


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New Member
Apr 11, 2002
I've read that this is good to use for alky/water mixes. Is there any other lube that the local stores sell that can mix with water and alky?
thats what I'm using right now with the 50/50 mix. But isn't WD stand for water displacement? SO that means it will not mix well with the water?
not sure about the wd 40 not mixing well but there must be something eqivalant to klotz lube. maybe someone else could chime in. i just got a full bottle of klotz lube from smc .it will probably last me forever with all this freaking rain were having.:mad:
How about Marvins Mystery Oil? I use the Klotz, but others have used MMO with success.
I don't use any lubricant in my mix. I've only had my diy kit on for 3 years and 70,000 miles. How long do you think my pump will hold up? Am I in trouble? :p
I've heard of some using machinist cutting oil. It's water soluble and inexpensive.