Knock and ESC counts on TL

Vader Sy

New Member
Jan 29, 2003
I was reviewing the passes made in my Bro's GN. Kinda of odd data. First, Knock is 0 however, ESC counts are around 100 and as high as 143. I know that ESC counts how many times detention is counted in a cycle, but isn't 100 very high? Second, boost reads very high compared to the boost gauge that is installed. The gauge might read 22 lbs but the TL is saying way more. What is up with the boost readings? Lastly, what kind of figures should the oxygen sensor be reading?

Lots of questions but I know someone has the answers.
Be sure you calibrate the boost gauge (F5 with key on, engine off) on TurboLink. It needs to be "zero'd" with respect to atmospheric.

Carl's links are an excellent description of what the ESC counts represent.

Take a gander at the nominal readings for the O2 by hitting "F1" and going to "How to ..." section of the HELP (assuing you are talking about v4?)

Bascially they will fluctuate at idle between about 200 and 600 and will be around 780-820 at WOT (assuming a decent tune).
I was looking at last year's passes and noticed that the TL rarely shows vacuum and if it does show vacuum, the most I saw it read was 4. It must need to be calibrated. Does it need to be hooked up to the car to calibrate?

Looks like I got lots of reading to do. Thanks guys for the help.