Liberals Hate President Bush

Red Regal T

Senior Member
May 24, 2001
I was happy and very proud as an American to see the President visiting the sailors as they were coming home from 10 months at sea. Seems the enemies of the President are saying all kinds of rediculous things about the him. As I've stated before, I think it's over for the Liberals. With the addition of Fox News and your average conservative radio talk show, the common sense view of our enemies in the world is out there to be heard any time. No longer do we only have the left slanted propoganda from CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS.
I listened to Rush yesterday and he played a clip of Hillary ranting and raving about the current administration. She sounded psychotic..Made me realize why Bill is the person he is today (also why he chases skirts....his wife is hideous). She is supposed to be the "great white hope" for the liberals, but anyone that can't see through her ego-maniacle personality and self-righteousness does not deserve to vote!! I am beginning to believe our true enemies are the liberals trying to undermine everything positive we have done recently as well as take all our money for their social programs.

Bush on the aircraft carrier with the troops!! He is my kind of leader!!

Nice to hear that in the Liberal State of Connecticut they just did a poll on who would win if the elections were held today. Bush vs. Leiberman, Bush landslide, Bush vs. Hillary, was another Bush landslide. Funny when Gore one this state in a Landslide.
Liberals hate Bush??

Of course they do, he is despised by the left. It all stems back to the election that Gore tried to steal with recount after recount. Of course now they say Bush stole the election:rolleyes: Thats not the only reason they hate him, but that is the primary reason for it being such an overwhelming presence in Liberale land. He is despised for being in a position that demands the use of the military, as it builds public support in his favor. The libs will bank on the economy tanking even worse or not improving, as thats really the only hope they have left. Thats good to hear about Connecticut, pretty surprising as well.
H & B Clinton, Inc. are the purest examples of hypocrisy, opportunism, insincerity & sociopathic narcissism the world has seen since Cleopatra & Caligula roamed the earth.
You wanna' see somethin' funny.......wait until the Democratic primary to see who's gonna' run against President Bush. It would be funny anyway but with Al Sharpton in there, it's really gonna' be a joke. All the democrats, bending over backwards to get the African-American votes, and at the same time, trying to blow off Sharpton. It's REALLY going to be funny. :D
Sharpton will be the most OUTSPOKEN candidate the Dems have had in decades, and the other Dem candidates FEAR him.

He whacked the Democratic Party on Larry King about 2 months ago saying "African-Americans are not the "little children" of the Party any more, waiting to be told what to do & say".

Al seems outraged by the Dems trying to sabotage his candidacy and wants some payback!
If anything, Sharpton might have a "Perot" effect on the election. More bad news for the dems:)
I'm just glad Bush was vindicated in the eyes of the liberals when they found the Weapons of Mass Destruction ;)
Originally posted by Red Regal T
You wanna' see somethin' funny.......wait until the Democratic primary to see who's gonna' run against President Bush. It would be funny anyway but with Al Sharpton in there, it's really gonna' be a joke. All the democrats, bending over backwards to get the African-American votes, and at the same time, trying to blow off Sharpton. It's REALLY going to be funny. :D

Hehehe, Al Sharpton. :) I wanna see Sharpton vs. David Duke in 2008. :)
Originally posted by Gothmog
I'm just glad Bush was vindicated in the eyes of the liberals when they found the Weapons of Mass Destruction ;)
I wish they didn't find anything, because I like it when liberals get pissed off. :) I was hoping it would be proven Bush lost Florida just because it would infuriate liberals to no end. Oh well, at least I'm happy that Gore won the popular vote, and still lost. Nah nah na na nah! :D
Originally posted by Gothmog
I'm just glad Bush was vindicated in the eyes of the liberals when they found the Weapons of Mass Destruction ;)

Gotta love the way the left wanted to give the Un more time to find the weapons before implementing the military option. More time, more time! Thats all you heard. Yet they are demanding solid proof from Bush, before the bullets even stop flying. Having it both ways, a liberal specialty!
It's silly to argue over politics, when was the last time you made a point with someone of the opposite party and they changed their mind? haha

I'm ready to vote for Bush next time......just as soon as he lowers my gasoline prices :)
Originally posted by Gothmog
It's silly to argue over politics, when was the last time you made a point with someone of the opposite party and they changed their mind? haha

I'm ready to vote for Bush next time......just as soon as he lowers my gasoline prices :)


Funny while the rest of the country was near 80% for supporting the war, New York City was only at 50%. Clinton let Osama bomb the USS Cole, 2 american embassies, and the WTC once before. No wonder he kept trying until he got it right. I think every country will think twice before messing with us.
The libs couldn't stand it when Bush landed the jet on the Abraham Lincoln either! There went the libs awol theory:rolleyes: You would have never seen Bubba or AlGore do that! :D
Originally posted by Two Lane
H & B Clinton, Inc. are the purest examples of hypocrisy, opportunism, insincerity & sociopathic narcissism the world has seen since Cleopatra & Caligula roamed the earth.

Excellent sig material.
Could you guys imagine if Gore won the election? He'd probably be sitting around a camp fire with Sad-ham and bin Laden right now roasting marshmellows and singing koombaya :rolleyes:

Remember though, Gore invented the internet :rolleyes: The liberals sometimes make me sick. They create laws to protect us from ourselves. I think they pass laws just to pass laws(though Bush sure got a lot of new laws passed through when 9-11 hit).