looking for an interieur part...

Bird of Prey

Sep 30, 2004

i'm looking for this item:


i only know the german name for it, please help me with the english designation.

and: were these parts only black, also in our tta's?


Yep, our cars came with the canvas version (only seen the vinal on Camaro's actually). You can see the blackplastic pieces on each side just below the rear hatch struts, that is where the sunshade (or I think it's called security screen as it blocks the view of all the beer you keep back there :) sits.

Not sure where you can find one but search e-bay or call some of the thirdgen dealers in the US like Hawks etc (lots of links on www.thirdgen.org).

Do you have the rear window sunshade yet ?? I have an extra one, and since I am going to sell the car (#70 ) I won't need it. Let me know if you are interested in it. Turbota.