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Jul 17, 2004
New Parts:
( 1 ) Stock innercooler. Still has plastic plugs in holes $150 obo
( 2 ) Polished 3" inlet pipe for speed density systems. Can be cut.
It measures 19 1/2" with the tape laying straight along it's sides. $65
( 3 ) ADDCO black urethane bushings for stock front anti sway bar
Also yellow Lakewood end link "rubbers" $25
( 4 ) stainless "up" pipe (IC to plenum) $40
Used Parts:
( 1 ) Buick Motorsports (Poston's ) black valve covers $100
( 2 ) BstC Boost Controller ( Poston's ) allows two bost settings : launch and WOT or 3rd gear boost draw back. $100
( 3 ) Chromed stock turbo cover NOT CUT $60
( 4 ) M.S.D. red 8.5 mm. plug wires -
trade for Quad Air wires $35
( 5 ) torque strap $15
( 6 ) grille adaptor for 5" cold air hose, Mts with grille emblem $7.50
( 7 ) black plastic innercooler screens $7.50
( 8 ) Repop GNX grille emblem $10
( 9 ) 3"dia X 3" lg brass adaptor for inlet air temp sensor $7.50
( 10 ) rear spolier all 5 pieces . center needs several studs
bosses reglassed $50
( 11 ) ATR innercooler shroud best offer
( 12 ) ATR fan on till 40mph sensor setup best offer
( 13 ) Casper's hot wire kit $30
( 14 ) power trunk release kit $20
( 15 ) Metal drop in console holder for 4 gages $7.00
( 16 ) stock inlet bell with breather hole welded/polished $7.50
( 17 ) stock catalytic convertor with 3" inlet Exclnt cond. $50
( 18 ) Spare turbo has straight inlet. Spins freely looks good
I was told it was a "Cheeta". just inlet and ctr.section best offer ?
( 19) Soon -- one piece A pillar dual gage holder, egt gage,
oil pressure gage, & scanmaster
I already have digital photos of most of these parts.
All parts are plus shipping and are "Satisfaction Guaranteed "
Please reply to or call (586) 566-9394
Detroit area Gary L.
hotrodgary said:
( 2 ) Polished 3" inlet pipe for speed density systems. Can be cut.
It measures 19 1/2" with the tape laying straight along it's sides. $65

Could I get a picture of this please? I would email ya, but I'm at school and can't access my account at the moment.
hotrodgary said:
CUT $60
( 4 ) M.S.D. red 8.5 mm. plug wires -
trade for Quad Air wires $35

I have a new in the bag set of Quad Air wires ( assuming you mean '86-87 )collecting dust in my garage. Tell me about the condition of the MSD's please
please put me inline for the Chromed cover $60 and the a pilla gauge holder...
Dennis----pics please...