Hey all, took the wife to the Telegraph Cruise ( Westsiders version of Woodward Cruise ) Cool event, tons of really cool cars as well as turds..lol. Did about a 10 mile loop just checking out everything when I notice a newer blue mustang trying to catch up to me. Told the wife to be ready because I know he wants to go. Gets along side of me, has window tint and windows up so can't see if a guy or girl, but had the 5.0 tags on the fender so I figure it to be a 2012. Sounded good & had a ground efffects kit on it. So it gives me a beep, I give em a thumbs up. It gives 3 more beeps and it's on. Put a car on him instantly..let off..traffic. We slow down and off we go again, same result... so I'm laughing cause the wife has never been in a race in this car & she's grinning ear to ear. Guy pulls up again with windows down..now I know it's a dude in his 30's with another guy in pass. seat. He asked if I was running twin turbos...lmao. I know he thinks that's the only reason he couldn't get the jump on me. I tell him the scoop, just a TA49 and a good tune... didn't seem to happy. But there were lots of witnesses and I'm hoping someone on the board from MI got to see it. Made my wifes day. This is my first GN and the wife thought I was crazy when I got it. I've only had big block chevelles and a pro street & now I think the wife understands why I like these cars.
Was running 93 on 17lbs of boost. Can't wait to add the razor kit I just bought from a board member here and go cruising again.
Got a set of steel champion heads, but won't install till I blow a gasket or winter sets in. But either way, next year should be real fun.
BTW.. Mustang was a very kickass looking car with the exhaust & ground effects kit, so not bashing the ford guys, but it picked me & I couldn't be happier with the result.
Was running 93 on 17lbs of boost. Can't wait to add the razor kit I just bought from a board member here and go cruising again.

BTW.. Mustang was a very kickass looking car with the exhaust & ground effects kit, so not bashing the ford guys, but it picked me & I couldn't be happier with the result.