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Not my boat, but the best emergency blow picture I could find. This the USS Oklahoma City


Here's the only boat I've been stationed to so far. USS Alaska SSBN 732



Doing what we do


But not all Trident lauches go according to plan. :eek: USS Tennessee's misfortune. ;)


  • D5 trident on 734TN.jpg
    D5 trident on 734TN.jpg
    43.2 KB · Views: 47
Yup...that would be "The Circle of Death" from the first ever D5 missle launch. Watch the video every now and then for laughs.

Caused because they tried to use the thrust nozzles off of the C4 missles on the new D5's. BUT...those nozzles weren't strong enough and when thrust actually went through it, the force pushed it sideways and caused it to spin like that. If you watch the video you can see the manual explosion after a few spins. Set off by the weapons officer.