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My 98 GS Dies


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Jeff Rand

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2001
OK, I am at a stop light making a right turn and the car dies(this happens more on right turns off a stop). This is getting worse with time. I replaced the resistor for the fuel pump and it is still occuring. It does not sputter out; it just stops then after I put it into neutral it restarts. Have also felt on occasion some minor missing on acceleration. The milage reads 92,000 - maybe time for a new fuel pump?
Could be a pump, test the fuel pressure should be around 40- 50 psi on start up, and 30 to 40 psi when running. Another problem could be a weak ignition module.
Originally posted by 98GSMN
Could be a pump, test the fuel pressure should be around 40- 50 psi on start up, and 30 to 40 psi when running. Another problem could be a weak ignition module.

Thanks for your reply. Is there any way of checking the ignition module? Also I was going to use a Walbro 307 pump; is this a good way to go?

I am not saying that all pumps go bad at 90,000, but the one on my 97 just did. I did not have a chance to choose the replacement pump as I had to have my mechanic change it out and he had done before I got a chance to choose. I can tell you it was expensive as the pump came with the float and all, somewhere around $500. The change out hole in the trunk is suppose to make it easy.
Darren, I had my original pump in my GN go out at about 90,000 miles. I want to be pro-active if there is any hint of a problem and make the change now to avoid that $500 charge.
Well it happened again today. Stopped for a light and barely got my foot on the gas and it died (not making a turn). Almost like a wire is shorting out but I would expect a blown fuse. It is strange because it starts up as quickly as it died out.
If you find out that it is the fuel pump, let me know. I have an extra one that I can sell you that is in perfect working order.
My wife's 98 would die also. Took it back to the dealer and they said they had to reprogram the computer?
I did not see the bill because they took care of it through warantee claim.
It has not died since.
Originally posted by Jeff Rand
Well it happened again today. Stopped for a light and barely got my foot on the gas and it died (not making a turn). Almost like a wire is shorting out but I would expect a blown fuse. It is strange because it starts up as quickly as it died out.

That sure sounds like a problem with the bypass resistor or the relays for that stupid setup. I have a 97 and about 6 months after I got it it died decelerating off of the freeway. It would restart and die as soon as it cranked.

Did some head scratching, found out that the relay delivers full voltage to the pump in de-asserted condition, and when the ECM sees RPM info, it activates the relay, taking the direct voltage off and running the pump through that resistor. I clipped one of the coil leads on that relay, which bypasses the resistor and lets the pump run on full voltage all the time. Mine's been that way for 100k now. :)
Originally posted by KendallF
That sure sounds like a problem with the bypass resistor or the relays for that stupid setup. I have a 97 and about 6 months after I got it it died decelerating off of the freeway. It would restart and die as soon as it cranked.

Did some head scratching, found out that the relay delivers full voltage to the pump in de-asserted condition, and when the ECM sees RPM info, it activates the relay, taking the direct voltage off and running the pump through that resistor. I clipped one of the coil leads on that relay, which bypasses the resistor and lets the pump run on full voltage all the time. Mine's been that way for 100k now. :)
Kendall,I have replaced the resistor so mybe I should try to bypass it. Can you tell me where the relay is located and the color wire that needs to be cut.
Originally posted by Jeff Rand
Kendall,I have replaced the resistor so mybe I should try to bypass it. Can you tell me where the relay is located and the color wire that needs to be cut.

Jeff, maybe somebody can help with the pump wiring the time, I got a dealership friend to let me look at the schematic and I wrote some notes. I can't tell you if your 98 and my 97 are wired the same; there were some changes between the years. Maybe try posting this on and see if someone has them?

At any rate, if you know which relay activates to bypass the pump through the resistor and you're willing to sacrifice a relay, remove that relay, snip one of the coil pins and reinstall. Bosch relays should have the contact and coil pin #s shown on their case.

Good luck!