Need a car inspected near Columbus, NJ--Easy $50!


The end is fear
May 20, 2002
If anyone can help a brotha out, I would like a visual inspection and driving impression done on a non TR in the Columbus, NJ area.

I'm glad to send $50 via Paypal to anyone who will do this for me. I'd like this done in the next few days. Ideally, I'm looking for someone with a digi camera that won't mind snapping a few pics and sending them as part of the process.

If interested, please email me with your name, number, and best time to reach you and I'll call you to fill in the details.

Thanks! Doug
I checked it out - it's about 2.5 hrs south of me. There's gotta be someone closer. It's a little south of Trenton.

[Raises hand] I'm in Columbus [/Raises hand]

Give me the details and I'd be more than glad to have a look see.

email sent
dhauser said:
Thanks, Chuck. I will be giving you a call!
Mission complete.

Thanks Doug!

Raist103, where are you located? I'm off of RT68 in Mansfield Twp.