need boost


Sep 13, 2003
I just wanted to send a special thanks to member need boost. After my car was stolen and trashed Daniel contacted me about some parts that I needed to get it back on the road. Daniel had a parts car that he and another member had bought. After a few emails and some phone calls Daniel has a big box of parts that he hooked me up with and get this, he doesn't even want any money for the parts. Wow I was really shocked. A special thanks to and member need boost. Daniel your a real stand up guy and not only will I be able to get my car running again I gained a special friend and thats worth more than any car parts. Thanks again, Kevin:)
Kevin I was just glad to help you out. The turbo buick cars are a ton of fun but they are expensive as all get out!! When I read about the PUNKS trashing your car I realized that it could have been me just as easy and just wanted to help out a fellow car nut. Hope you get her fired back up soon and all is good! Maybe they didn't hurt her to much and you will be back on the road soon. Don't let it get you discouraged and don't be paranoid to drive it again but I would put a few kill switchs in it lol. You can bet your boots I will be putting some on mine now!!!!! Your experience put a wake up call on me for sure!!! It was great getting to talk to you and getting a new friend out fo the deal was worth the parts to me to! We car guys need to stick together when we can . Let me know when the box gets there and remember to get a pic for me sometime so I can see how your going on it. Hopefully all the parts work good for you and maybe your wife won't be able to beat the smile off your face again!! Take care Daniel Ray