need help with h/u equalizer adjustment


Don't Be Redikulas!!
May 24, 2001
My h/u has a Equalizer Curve Fine Adjustment, I have messed with this before but have since forgotten where it was set, battery died. So, the adjustments are like so: Low-40-80-100-160, Mid-200-500-1k-2k, High-3k-8k-10k-12k, hz by the way, and then next to each setting is another setting for Q, whatever that is, and it looks like this: 2N-1N-2W-2N. Any clue what all of this is, and how I should have it set. Don't know if this will help any but this is what speakers I am currentl using, 2 12" vegas, 6x9 vegas, 4x10 vegas, and 2 1inch pioneer tweeters.