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New alkycontrol kit - red light flickering problem


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Oct 10, 2004
After searching the forums I see that someone had a similar problem as me -

I've had the kit on for about 2 months and about 800 miles. When I was driving to work this morning I noticed a clicking noise and noticed that the light by the boost gauge was flickering red intermittently. While building a bit of boost I noticed that the light was not turning green either at 12psi. The test light still seems to work and drown out the motor. I dropped the panel under the dash and looked around and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Anything else to check besides the MAP wire and sensor? What exactly should I look for?
check your lines for leaks as the pressure would drop and also you should check the vacuum line to the map sensor for cracks or leaks. unplug the map and look for corrosion and clean it and reinstall with dielectric grease. as you said check map line connections. another thing i noticed you should not fill it up to the tippytop because it will not build pressure and turn green. i know mine does this. check all grounds to the unit as well as the 12 positive to the fuse box. good luck
I've seen this one other time myself on a friends car. His will do the same thing when the voltage is low. His battery was in need of a charge. We charged the battery and the problem was fixed
I had a problem with my light as well once. It would just stay red and never turn green but alky was still working. After talking with julio it turned out to be a bad ground at the pump. Don't know if this will help you or not but it's worth a try.
After searching the forums I see that someone had a similar problem as me -

I've had the kit on for about 2 months and about 800 miles. When I was driving to work this morning I noticed a clicking noise and noticed that the light by the boost gauge was flickering red intermittently. While building a bit of boost I noticed that the light was not turning green either at 12psi. The test light still seems to work and drown out the motor. I dropped the panel under the dash and looked around and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Anything else to check besides the MAP wire and sensor? What exactly should I look for?

Sounds like your losing power to the PAC unit. Try a different IGN spot on your fuse box and/or move your ground. The fact the LED is flickering as your driving tells me more than likely your losing IGN power to the system. Just like when you shut your Ignition key off.. the LED will flicker. The relay clicks becuase it loses power in the unit.

Another thing that can make the relay inside the unit click is losing ground at the pump. But losing ground at the pump wont make the LED flicker.. losing ground at the pump will make the click sound but not change the LED.

Hey its a 20 year old car.. a simple faulty Ignition switch, fusible link at the starter, corrossion on the fuse box, etc..

Hope this helps, you are always more than welcome to call if you ever develop an issue with the system.
Thanks for all the help guys. I am going to take off work early to take look at it. Razor I will give you a call of I can't get it figured out.

And just to clarify I am not talking about the LED on the black box by the radio. It stays lit red the whole time while it is clicking.
To update the thread I finally got around to fixing the problem. It ended up being a bad ground at the pump. It was grounded on the lower bracket bolt and it appears that that bolt completely sheared off somehow and left the ground just hanging there with the sheared off bolt still in the pump housing and the head of the bolt left on the road somewhere. Moved it up to the top bracket bolt and hopefully that one won't completely rip off. Not sure how that happened. I went for a test ride and all systems are a go, power injection bulb is lit, switches to green, and no knock :D
You need to support the pump with at least two bolts. A simple solution is to get a flat piece of steel about 6-8 inches long and run an extension to the other bumper bolt on the opposite side of the bumper.

Glad you figured it out,
Found this thread in a search since I was having the light flicker as well. Couldnt see it in teh day only at night.

Fix for mine was cleaning and resecuring the pump motor to the bracket and bracket to the bumper brace. As well as clean the ground ring terminal.

One of the small screw holding the pump to brace was loose. Had a trans cooler line blow off a while back and some of the fluid migrated to these connections and wasnt helping either.