new Credit card with Pic of "FEAR"'s engine, Cool!


May 16, 2003
Check this out guys, its my engine from "FEAR" at Conleys Performance :D


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I hope that is not your real card number. Cotton is going to have alot of on linre orders tonight, lol
Unless his name is Lee M. Cardholder lol its not him. How do you get a customized card?

Thanks Jason
Neat card! Shame Capital One sucks. I had them.. nothing but problems. Signed on at a low rate 9% something.. most cards go up a little over time. Few months later I check the rate and they have it at 23%! I call and basiclly it was oh well that's our rate. Paid it off closed it out and went with Chase. I've been at 9% with them for several years now. I've never had a card in my wallet over 9%. Gotta play your cards right! :D
If you already have a C1 card then maybe you can design it on there site. I have 3 C1 cards and only one was availble for the picture card. They sent me a letter s few weeks back.