New job offer - Should I take it?

New job offer -Should I take it?

  • Stay where you are at and hope things will get better

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Time to move on, take the job.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Stay where you are and look for something that pays more

    Votes: 8 38.1%

  • Total voters

TR Custom Parts

Mark Hueffman - Owner
May 25, 2001
Since I post just about everything I need to make a decision on in life on the board I have something else to ask.

Been at my current full time job for 13 years. Recent changes down there have made me in charge of 3 departments instead of just one and there was no increase in pay or benefits with it. In fact, they made me a salaried employee instead of hourly like I used to be. I now have to answer to 5 different bosses who are all on different pages and don't know what the other ones are up to. They are expecting WAAAAY too much out of one person (me) to get things done. It is a union facility and the workers are the laziest bunch of SOB's.

I have found another job in the same field where I would be in charge of just one department. Problem is it is $4K less a year and I have just taken on a hefty mortgage. It is a non union place and the people seem friendlier and it is not in the city so the commute will be easier. I would be losing a lot of time off though which is sort of important to me as it would be to anyone. Right now I get a total of 40 paid days off a year. Would probably end up with half that with the new job.

I'm not one for change, scares the bejesus out of me. Guess I am just a creature of habit. One good thing is I know the Director of Nurses there so I think I will be able to get some behind the scenes info out of her.

They called me back while typing this and they DO want me for the job and I have to call them back on Friday with answer, help me out guys!
Investigate the financial stability of the place, its organizational structure, ownership, length of time up & running...what is the history of personnel turnover like there...why is the slot vacant...
who would you be supervised by...benefit ladder to expect...any performance incentives...benefits...etcetera.

Do not rush your decision. While it's flattering to be recruited, it is your's just another job vacancy to them.

HTH and that all goes for the best! :)
Alright i have to get this out of the way to make u feel better about my response. I am only 20 and really dont know jack about sh!t. But here is my $.02 anyways.
I would ask the new company if they are willing to give you $4k more (but that would just be too easy). Ask your existing job if they are willing to componsate you for ur added stress at work. Thats all i gots for right now for ideas.
By the way ur custom regal stuff are bad@ass. I ordered an electric cutout awhile ago under the name Miklavcic, hows that order going?
Originally posted by Blwn87
Alright i have to get this out of the way to make u feel better about my response. I am only 20 and really dont know jack about sh!t. But here is my $.02 anyways.
I would ask the new company if they are willing to give you $4k more (but that would just be too easy). Ask your existing job if they are willing to componsate you for ur added stress at work. Thats all i gots for right now for ideas.
By the way ur custom regal stuff are bad@ass. I ordered an electric cutout awhile ago under the name Miklavcic, hows that order going?

ask for a raise, if they fire you take the other job ;) but seriously, i wouldnt leave to go to a lesser paying job unless my stress level was WAY to high, or their other benifits outweighed the current ones, (vacations, days off, holidays.....)

I say Stay, its hard enough to get a job in these days, and you know your work load might be high, but its stable!!

but again it's just my opinion.
Is your health and happiness worth $4k per year? I recently took a job change in the same career and took an immediate cut by $8k per year but within three years I'll be making $10k than I would've made at my last crappy place of employment. The longer you stay the harder it'll be to change.

Another idea:

Go by your 2 local VA hospitals (New Haven, Newington) and pick-up a SF-171 (Application for Government Service) from their personnel office.

Turn it in at your leisure...then, you'll have something "working" for you in the background, regardless of your current decision.

In these days of mergers, down-sizings, and closures, working with the Feds is a pretty stable environment, with unbeatable benefit packages.

Just another positive thought. :)
I would stay put for right know. The economy is still crappy and i just think that you know what you got today and in this economy i would not be looking to jump.

My vote is stay where you are at and ride out the economy. I would not change jobs myself in basically the same line of work without more $$$$:rolleyes:
Thanks for all the replies guys, keep it coming! Right now, I am just stressed out at work, I just can't do my job correctly and it is getting frustrated. I do get to come and go without anyone questioning my actions which is nice but some of the micromanaging is getting to me. Problem with getting another job for MORE money is I have pretty much reached a plateau wage-wise. I have never complained about what they pay me and in fact appreciate it but to have to try and do the work of two people is wearing me down.

The salary thing pretty much sucks but I am still sticking to around 40 hours a week and no one is complaining about that yet. Think it would be out of line to ask the Director of Nurses of this new place for the lowdown?

For those of you that don't know. I am a former Maintenance Director and now what is called an Environmental Services Director of a 120 bed skilled nursing home. I like the Maintenance end of things but the Housekeeping and Laundry parts are a complete headache.

I have a top notch shop and a separate office with a computer that I can keep tabs on my part time business and also check in on the board. The new place has a small shop with the office in it and NO computer. God, sounds like I am trying to talk myself out of it huh??

Wish I could just make a decision on my own but not good at making changes like this, guess that is why I am still there after 13 years. Have turned down about 4 jobs in the past 2 years that were offered but they were all less money. If I didn't have that $1700 a month mortgage hanging over my head it would be easier I guess.

If you guys bought more custom Buick parts from me I would just go full time with that business!

:D :D

Blwn87, I am checking with my supplier for an update on all outstanding orders for cutouts, will let you know.
As some have kind of already suggested, you are in a perfect position to bargain if you can put off that deadline tomorrow from the new prospect. If you can get them to hold off a week, you can play them both and see who ends up offering you the best situation. If your present emloyer really understands the situation you stand to gain a LOT in some negotiations with both parties. You could come out smelling like a rose here, good luck...Mark
Bargaining with the present company could be risky. My regional boss (who was a good guy and I worked with in the past; he just started with this company two months ago) must have spoke his mind because they let him go on Friday! I think they would be happy if I went purely from a financial standpoint, I think they would hire two people at lower salaries to take my place.:mad: I have to call the Administrator at the new place tomorrow but might do the "I have to discuss it further with my wife before I decide" deal on him and see if I can at least get thru the weekend to think more on it.
Well here is an idea that you may or may not be willing to pursue. If the new company wants to play hard ball and force your hand, go ahead and accept the position. Then your good to go, and have a job no matter what. Let your present employer know they can retain you if the conditions are right, but be tactful and shrewd, not at all indignant. If anything, be first. Dont let them know your leaving for financial reasons weather you are or not. Play up the location and other benefits the other option presents, leaving out the money factor. Once again this is in a hard ball situation, and not something I necessarily would endorse either way. Just trying to help you see all options, once again good luck buddy, it will work out for the best...Mark

Sorry had to edit, it just kep coming to me:)
Ok I re read your previous post and see what you are saying. They think they can hire two people for less money than they are paying you to do it all. Can they really, or do they really think they can? If so it sounds like you are working hard as hell, but being well compensated for it. If thats the case, theres nothing wrong with that, but it sounds like there is some uncertainty there anyway if they would just let you go and hire 2 other guys. Definately something to pray about and make a family decision. Like I said it will work out for the best man, it almost always does.
Take the new job and sell the house! $1700/month mortgage is ludicrous! How big is this house, anyway? How much are your property taxes? Power bill? I would downsize and take the new job. You'll be glad you did. Of course, as pointed out , first find out why the job opening is there to begin with. You might not like the person who you will be working for.
Why do you have to give them a answer by Friday, are they just desperate to fill the position and need a answer right away:confused:

Being closer to home is a plus, being in-charge of less people and less projects is also a plus. I know, I have 30 employees I am in-charge of at our dealership, It gets to be a royal pain in the ass

Like a few other people stated, If you had a little more time you could really use this to your advantage and maybe squeeze the other job offer for some extras. I would hate to see you loose all your days off, loose 4k per year, and be insecure until you settle into your new position.

I know in my case, if i grab a really good Auto Tech from another dealer, I give him what he had there ie vacation time right away, medical coverage etc. Listen good people are hard to find, so wither your current job thinks they can hire two people to do your job is another thing, lots of people out there however most just want to hang their hat and not work hard.

I would tell this offer you need a few more days. They need to understand you have been at your existing job a long time and you are not just going to split for the first phone call. Do not think the grass is always greener, sometimes it is the same or worse. You need to take your time with this and think it through carefully. Again if you are going to leave, the new job needs to sweeten the deal a little. Good Luck ;)
*donning my HR hat again*

Mark, do the following:

1) Tell new job people you need the weekend to make the decision. If they can't give you that, you should turn it down. There's not a single good reason I can think of why they couldn't wait---they'll have to wait at least two weeks anyway if your company let's you finish out your notice period.

2) If you think the Head of Nurses will give you the real skinny, by all means ask her. Information is your friend, lack of it is not.

3) Only you can determine if $4k is worth the additional stress you have to endure now. You need to write down what your top priorities are on paper and look at them........for a long time......the answer will come to you, I promise.

4) 40 days off per year is a LOT, by anyones standards. If you can work only 40 hours per week on a regular basis at current job, I think those are two very good reasons to consider staying.

5) Why not ask the new job folks to match your salary, pointing out you'll already be losing things like time off, 401K matches (at least for awhile), etc etc. If they won't meet you all the way, they might do halfway.

6) No matter what decision you make, don't bother looking back. It won't do you any good at all.

Best of luck, bud!
if you do change, GET A CONTRACT stating no matter what you will get 1 year pay even if they let you go tomorrow! no way i would leave somplace stable without one.
Exzamine the opportunity

I'm with njturbo, ask the new offerers to match or exceed your current situation. You must be good or the competition wouldn't be knocking on your door. Remember bargaining is a two way street. A done deal requires at least two satified parties. Don't sell your self short a get all you can from your employer. A house note is sometimes a requirement, maybe the better half could find a way to lend a hand with the budget(this might not be an option in your situation). Big decisions for me require a sheet of paper with a line down the middle. Benefits down one side and detractions on the other. Start writing. When you have your thoughts down, study on them and make the decision. Good Luck, with all the cuts in the health care industry I think I'd be glad someone was knocking on the door and making an offer.

1) Less Money
2) Big Mortgage
3) Fewer Days Off

You do realize that stress is the number one cause of just about every fatal disease (heart attack, stroke, etc.) right? Half the vacation days a year? Ok this weekend, tell the people where you work now that you want to work Saturday and have only Sunday off. Also mention to them that you are gonna give them a hundred bucks out of your pocket for the priviledge. Do that for a few weeks and see how you like it. When your health goes to **** and you wonder what you got yourself into come back and read this thread.

Sorry to be a downer Mark. I never even read the other replies to be honest. I've been down this path. Heck I am on it. Stress is rough, and I am learning now that the main goal in life should be to reduce it. It takes a while to realize that your health really is all that matters.

And on that happy note.....have you shipped my 3.5" electric cutout yet? I want to hit the 10's before I have a coronary in my thirties. :p
Mark ol' buddy...

Whenever I get the chance to go to Nevada, I like to find a nice poker table. Sometimes I have to wait for a seat. When I finally get a chance to sit down, the FIRST thing I ask is:

"Why did the person who was sitting in this spot LEAVE?" ;)

If you don't know already, you might try to find out WHY the position is open; did the last guy retire happy, a victim of a budget cut, move up the corporate ladder, get canned, land in the psychiatric ward...? Any insight into you can gather about the former employee MAY be helpful! (since you know the DON [heh heh, I like that], ask!)

One thing I know for sure, you WILL miss the days off! It'll feel like every month has 6 weeks in it! I also have more insight than most folks here about the frustration you go thru at your current job. Those days off always seem to come just in time...

Tough call...If I have to lean one way or the other, I'd have to lean towards staying put.
-BUT- with the other offers you've had in the past, you always seem to find the "fly in the ointment" at the last minute...Just keep looking for that fly! If you can't find it, it may be time to finally move on...:)
Stay. 3 departments may not have = more $$ but it does = more security.

Move somewhere else and be first on the list to go if that needbe.

40 days off? add that to the mix to figure out how much you 'really' make!