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new member need help !!!!!!


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New Member
Jan 29, 2003
hey guys i'm a new member i dont drive a gn but i'm building a turbo truck and i know you guys are experts on alky injcetion so i figured you could hel me my smc alky inection kit will be here soon and i need to know what kind of alchohol to use I know i can get some from home depot but would it be better if i got some pure isopropyl alchohol I can get 100 % or 99%.

Get the denatured alky that they sell at home depot or lowes. Lots of people run 100% denatured, its easy to tune that way. Depending on your setup, 70% denatured and 30% water actually provide more cooling, but it is harder to tune. Whatever floats your boat, but run denatured!
no it would just cost you alot more money go to a sherwin wiliams in your area and buy it 5 gallons at a time about $5.00 a gallon in michigan:D