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Unfortunately no

Sent from my Nexus 10 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
Jay any reason the app is so big? I'm still using the first app ad noticed its 1.6GB. That's a huge amount for my phone. I don't even have enough space to update to IOS 7

I do only have an 8 gig iPhone 4 (had it for a while now) but that seems excessive
ImageUploadedByTurboBuick Mobile1379640146.636142.jpg

From my iPhone
Jay any reason the app is so big? I'm still using the first app ad noticed its 1.6GB. That's a huge amount for my phone. I don't even have enough space to update to IOS 7

From my iPhone

iOS7 will update no matter what. Your music, photos, apps and games are what is killing you space.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
iOS7 will update no matter what. Your music, photos, apps and games are what is killing you space.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
It said it won't update because I don't have enough memory. I don't have that much stuff on my phone. When I looked, this mobile app is taking up almost 25% of my entire memory.

From my iPhone
It said it won't update because I don't have enough memory. I don't have that much stuff on my phone. When I looked, this mobile app is taking up almost 25% of my entire memory.

From my iPhone

I have had every version of iPhone and never an update issue. Make sure you go into settings and clear cache and cookies. You need to update via iTunes. Connect to iTunes and do a backup (after clearing cache n cookies). After backup, do a restore, not update. After the restore, restore from backup. You should be fine now.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Same here, pain in the butt, iv been deleting old photos and cheesy apps left and right. Not helping much. The new ios7 needs at least 2.9GB???? I would have to delete all of my favorite apps including this one.
Same here, pain in the butt, iv been deleting old photos and cheesy apps left and right. Not helping much. The new ios7 needs at least 2.9GB???? I would have to delete all of my favorite apps including this one.
I went out and got an iPhone 5s today. Fixed my problem

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Well i still have the iPhone4, so maybe thats my problem. Not enough memory, I'm always deleting apps in order to upgrade or take screen shots of Katy Perry.
You can delete the apps needed to download iOS 7 then reinstall them afterwards. When I downloaded it my phone said I needed 3.3 gigs so I deleted a bunch of pics and useless apps and after the download I still had 3.3 gigs remaining. So I would say delete the apps and not the pics because the apps can be downloaded again. Oh and as far as the turbobuick app it only takes up 436mb on my phone.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
You can delete the apps needed to download iOS 7 then reinstall them afterwards. When I downloaded it my phone said I needed 3.3 gigs so I deleted a bunch of pics and useless apps and after the download I still had 3.3 gigs remaining. So I would say delete the apps and not the pics because the apps can be downloaded again. Oh and as far as the turbobuick app it only takes up 436mb on my phone.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

What I said

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app