The theories are the why or how; the fact is, it happens. I'm not going by what I read on the interwebs by some faceless know-it-all, or what the friend of a cousin of a brother-in-law once said, I go with what *my* eyes and *my* garage floor tell me. The most common *theory* is that, when using conventional oils, seals "swell" into place and when a change is made to synthetic, they shrink or crack or something, and leaks begin. Sounded kinda hooey to me and that's why I didn't give much thought about using synthetic on my Escape. Well, lesson learned, and, from a sealing point of view, the engine is ruined. No way is it worth rebuilding it to replace various seals and I'm not going further down the rabbit hole hoping some snake oil in a bottle will fix it. Just means checking the oil more frequently, and, afterall, the Buick has guaranteed there's kitty litter handy in the garage already