New page added to my website.



Well I entered my car in it's first show on the 18th of may. I didn't win a damn thing but got alot of looks. I took a few pics because I really needed to update the site. feel free to check it out. will take you to the main page and the menu is on the left. The sound is choppy when you first hit the home page but once it is loaded it sure sounds sweet. Before you ask, No that is not sound from my car. actually it is from a stage 2 I believe GN but has a nice turbo whine to it. If you have hit the site before and are just interested in checking out the new page this link will take you there. I have updated the current mods and dress-ups, and mods and dress-ups to come pages also. If you see something that you like on those pages (except the paint job) click on the pic and it will take you to that companies website. (the CYA clause) cover your ass.:D
Very nice, Do you have any close up pictures of the interior & motor compartment? The only car show mines been in, I didn't "win" anything either. But I sure was satisfied by the reponces people gave while looking. Sooner or later I'll get the new paint & refinished chrome, new emblems on & so on...... I like driving my car everyday & I know once I get that paint I'll be way too overprotective to drive it back & forth to work.
I haven't finished the interior or motor compartments yet but I will get some before pics of those soon. I have another show on 2nd of june and another on the 16th then the all-buick show on july28th and 2 more in august. I still use this as my daily driver even though I have the new paint job on it. The way I see it is what's the point in putting all this money into the car if I can't enjoy it.:D